AsYetUntitled / Framework

Altis Life RPG mission framework for Arma 3 originally made by @TAWTonic.
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I have an idea, this might solve the current problem #745

Open xiaohuo9986 opened 3 years ago

xiaohuo9986 commented 3 years ago

I have an idea. The accessories purchased in the store are directly in the backpack instead of directly on the weapon. This may solve the current problem, but I don't know how to make the corresponding modification.

xiaohuo9986 commented 3 years ago

/* File: fn_weaponShopSelection.sqf Author: Bryan "Tonic" Boardwine

Checks the weapon & adds the price tag.

*/ private["_control","_index","_priceTag","_price","_item"]; _control = [_this,0,controlNull,[controlNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; _index = [_this,1,-1,[0]] call BIS_fnc_param; if(isNull _control OR _index == -1) exitWith {closeDialog 0;}; //Bad data

_priceTag = ((findDisplay 39400) displayCtrl 39410); _availTag = ((findDisplay 39400) displayCtrl 39411); _magList = ((findDisplay 39400) displayCtrl 39404); _item = _control lbData _index;

_price = _control lbValue _index; _qty = _item call life_fnc_getQuantity; if (playerSide in [west,independent]) then { _qty = -1; };

_available = switch (_qty) do { case -1: { "infinite" }; case 0: { "demand" }; default { format["%1",_qty] }; };

_availTag ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["available: %1",_available];

if(_price > life_money) then { _priceTag ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["Price: $%1",[(_price)] call life_fnc_numberText]; } else { _priceTag ctrlSetStructuredText parseText format ["Price: $%1",[(_price)] call life_fnc_numberText]; };

if (_control != _magList) then { lbClear _magList; }; _mags = [(configfile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item), "magazines", []] call BIS_fnc_returnConfigEntry; if (count _mags > 0) then { _shop = uiNamespace getVariable ["Weapon_Shop", ""]; _addons = [_shop] call life_fnc_weaponAddons;

    _addonEntry = [];
    _mag = _x;
        if (_x select 0 == _mag) then { _addonEntry = _x };
    } forEach _addons;
    if (count _addonEntry > 0) then
        _itemInfo = [_x] call life_fnc_fetchCfgDetails;
        _magPrice = _addonEntry select 2;
        if ((life_configuration select 3) > 0) then { _magPrice = round (_magPrice + (_magPrice * ((life_configuration select 3) / 100))); };
        _point = life_capture_list select 0;
        _armsDealer = ((_point select 1) != "0" && (_point select 1) == life_gang && (_point select 2) == 1);
        _turfOwned = 0;
        { if (_x select 1 == life_gang) then { _turfOwned = _turfOwned + 1; } } foreach life_turf_list;
        if (_armsDealer) then { _magPrice = _magPrice * 0.85 };
        if (_turfOwned > 1) then { _magPrice = _magPrice * 0.75 };
        if (_shop == "rebel" && 3 in life_gangtalents) then { _magPrice = _magPrice * 0.95; };
        _magList lbAdd format["%1",if(isNil {_addonEntry select 1}) then {_itemInfo select 1} else {_addonEntry select 1}];
        _magList lbSetData[(lbSize _magList)-1,_mag];
        _magList lbSetPicture[(lbSize _magList)-1,_itemInfo select 2];
        _magList lbSetValue[(lbSize _magList)-1,_magPrice];
} forEach _mags;

_compatibleItems = [];
    _cfgCompatibleItems = _x >> "compatibleItems";
    if (isarray _cfgCompatibleItems) then {
            if !(_x in _compatibleItems) then {_compatibleItems pushBack _x;};
        } forEach getArray _cfgCompatibleItems;
    } else {
        if (isclass _cfgCompatibleItems) then {
                if (getnumber _x > 0 && {!((configname _x) in _compatibleItems)}) then {_compatibleItems pushBack configname _x};
            } foreach configproperties [_cfgCompatibleItems, "isNumber _x"];
} foreach configproperties [configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _item >> "WeaponSlotsInfo","isclass _x"];

    _addonEntry = [];
    _mag = _x;
        if (_x select 0 == _mag) then { _addonEntry = _x };
    } forEach _addons;
    if (count _addonEntry > 0) then
        _itemInfo = [_x] call life_fnc_fetchCfgDetails;
        _magPrice = _addonEntry select 2;
        if ((life_configuration select 3) > 0) then { _magPrice = round (_magPrice + (_magPrice * ((life_configuration select 3) / 100))); };
        _point = life_capture_list select 0;
        _armsDealer = ((_point select 1) != "0" && (_point select 1) == life_gang && (_point select 2) == 1);
        _turfOwned = 0;
        { if (_x select 1 == life_gang) then { _turfOwned = _turfOwned + 1; } } foreach life_turf_list;
        if (_armsDealer) then { _magPrice = _magPrice * 0.85 };
        if (_turfOwned > 1) then { _magPrice = _magPrice * 0.75 };
        if (_shop == "rebel" && 3 in life_gangtalents) then { _magPrice = _magPrice * 0.95; };
        _magList lbAdd format["%1",if(isNil {_addonEntry select 1}) then {_itemInfo select 1} else {_addonEntry select 1}];
        _magList lbSetData[(lbSize _magList)-1,_mag];
        _magList lbSetPicture[(lbSize _magList)-1,_itemInfo select 2];
        _magList lbSetValue[(lbSize _magList)-1,_magPrice];
} forEach _compatibleItems;


blackfisch commented 3 years ago

I'n not a repo admin, but still:

First of all, here you can find a guide on how to contribute: Furthermore, the code you posted is not really helpful. There's a lot of stuff going on that is not in the framework (looks like some kind of skill tree thing and limited stock scripts). If you have a sugestion, please describe as good as possible what your idea is and if you already have a working code sample, at least extract only the relevant part