Asabeneh / 30-Days-Of-Python

30 days of Python programming challenge is a step-by-step guide to learn the Python programming language in 30 days. This challenge may take more than100 days, follow your own pace. These videos may help too:
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Python #519

Open ColorMode opened 2 weeks ago

h4zielh commented 2 weeks ago


Blue4dave commented 2 weeks ago

How to build a python block

n00b0dyy commented 4 days ago

Creating a block using Python is as simple as using a step-by-step guide. All you need to do is clearly define the purpose of building this block: what specific problem is it supposed to solve, and exactly what functionality should it provide?

Design the surface: Determine how the block will communicate with other sections of the script. What do you need for input? What is the result?

When constructing a function, declare it using the def keyword and provide the function name along with any parameters. Construct a function body that performs the desired action.

When constructing a class, use the keyword class and then provide the class name. Design the methods (functions inside the class) needed to perform the tasks of the block.

To test the functionality of the block under different conditions: Implement block testing by creating test cases to help confirm the expected behavior when using different inputs - this includes executing the block with different inputs and making sure the output is correct based on those inputs.

Review and improve, but don't stop there. Test results to check the effectiveness of changes or identify further modifications that may be necessary. Also recheck the code and repeat the testing process after refinement.

Finally, it would be worthwhile to take a look at the documentation. This document should clearly state the purpose of the block, the expected inputs and outputs, and examples demonstrating its use. By providing this information, you enable other developers to easily understand the functionality of your block and integrate it effectively into their work.