AsadAzam / DiscordX

Xcode Discord Integration works with Xcode 13 and has all the latest icons.
MIT License
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DiscordX compatibilty issues with MacOS Sierra #2

Closed sskewer closed 3 years ago

sskewer commented 3 years ago

After resolving some compatibility issues with my version of macOS Sierra, I was able to successfully build the application.

However when it starts, I am not prompted for any permissions and it doesn't seem to work at all.

How do I grant Automation permissions?

AsadAzam commented 3 years ago

I have no way to reproduce the compatibility issues as I don't have a Mac running Sierra. Could you tell me what compatibility issues were you having. I do think that the automation scripts might have an issue or else the RPFX (Discord Rich Presence for swift) might be having some issues.

sskewer commented 3 years ago

As written on your GitHub repository, the program should ask me for permissions to allow the program to monitor Xcode.

When I open the program, nothing happens and no permission is asked of me. Once started, the program does not give any errors, but it is as if it had not started.

I don't know how to proceed and what to check that everything has started correctly.

AsadAzam commented 3 years ago

Sorry for the late reply can you run all the apple scripts from the readme and tell me if they work?