AsahiLinux / asahi-installer

Asahi Linux installer
MIT License
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[bug] fresh install prevents system shutdown #288

Closed PaulCharlton closed 3 days ago

PaulCharlton commented 1 week ago

fresh install prevents system shutdown result is the same in installation after DFU restore

verified reproducible on MacBook Air M2, and result is the same in installation after DFU restore

  Product name: MacBook Air (M2, 2022)
  SoC: Apple M2
  Device class: j413ap
  Product type: Mac14,2
  Board ID: 0x28
  Chip ID: 0x8112
  System firmware: iBoot-10151.121.1
  Boot UUID: 477CCC42-FDB1-4E61-9461-6D22E76C3F8C
  Boot VGID: 477CCC42-FDB1-4E61-9461-6D22E76C3F8C
  Default boot VGID: 477CCC42-FDB1-4E61-9461-6D22E76C3F8C
  Boot mode: macOS
  OS version: 14.5 (23F79)
  OS restore version:,0
  Main firmware version: 14.5 (23F79)
  No Fallback System Firmware / rOS
  SFR version:,0
  SystemRecovery version:,0 (14.3 23D56)
  Login user: {redacted}


on both:

curl | sh


curl | sh

Performed complete install with defaults, selecting larger install with KDE. Press after instructions from installer regarding shutdown, waiting 25 seconds ...

The machine does NOT shutdown -- it reboots, over and over. The MagSafe 3 LED does go dark eventually for a moment.

Oberserved MagSafe 3: After 15 seconds or so from requested shutdown in MacOS GUI, the MagSafe LED goes off, flashes red, turns green for a while, then [rinse, wash, repeat]

observed: The system does not actually shutdown until after a fresh DFU install of MacOS.


I suspect this is somehow related to FileVault being enabled on the MacOS boot volume during install, still doing a slow triage with multiple DFU wipes and fresh installs of MacOS with different configuration options

I suspect corruption of some of the few boot parameters stored in NVRAM (evidence: DFU reinstall resets the behavior)

work around [partial]

as soon as the MagSafe 3 LED flashes red, press and hold the power button until the boot-picker shows. Pick the Asahi install, which will present a Recovery Console -- complete the Recovery OS configuration in, reboot.

Note that from this point forward, neither MacOS nor Asahi install actually perform a "shut down", instead, they reboot when requested to shutdown.

PaulCharlton commented 1 week ago

status update

the issue has proven 100% reproducible with over a dozen DFU reinstalls. still triaging to isolate a root cause. Did perform a code review of the installer python and supporting shell scripts .. the only thing that really stood out is that the code is not fully compliant with the macOS man bless(8) man page, which has been included herein for reference. I don't yet see how that would cause a persistent reboot instead of shutdown. I will continue triage by performing a system shutdown at each prompt where the installer asks for user input, to isolate a specific set of macOS utilities which are causing the behavior.

From what I have observed thus far, this code:

calls the macOS bless utility in device mode, with --setBoot and --device parameters. However, nowhere in the code do I see a step to "bless the filesystem" first for the filesystem should already be properly blessed, which is required by the man bless(8) page at line 329, which states (for Apple Silicon)

--device device       Use the block device device to change the active
                  boot device. No volumes should be mounted from
                  device , and the filesystem should already be
                  properly blessed.

output of man bless on affected system

BLESS(8)            System Manager's Manual           BLESS(8)

     bless – set volume bootability and startup disk options

     bless --help

     bless --folder directory [--file file] [--bootefi [file]]
       [--label name | --labelfile file] [--setBoot] [--nextonly]
       [--shortform] [--legacy] [--legacydrivehint device]
       [--options string] [--personalize] [--create-snapshot] [--snapshot]
       [--snapshotname] [--last-sealed-snapshot] [--quiet | --verbose]

     bless --mount directory [--file file] [--setBoot] [--nextonly]
       [--shortform] [--legacy] [--legacydrivehint device]
       [--options string] [--personalize] [--snapshot] [--snapshotname]
       [--create-snapshot] [--last-sealed-snapshot] [--quiet | --verbose]

     bless --device device [--label name | --labelfile file]
       [--startupfile file] [--setBoot] [--nextonly] [--shortform]
       [--legacy] [--legacydrivehint device] [--options string]
       [--quiet | --verbose]

     bless --netboot --server url [--nextonly] [--options string]
       [--quiet | --verbose]

     bless --info [directory] [--getBoot] [--plist] [--quiet | --verbose]

     bless --unbless directory

     bless is used to modify the volume bootability characteristics of
     filesystems, as well as select the active boot device.  bless has 6 modes
     of execution: Folder Mode, Mount Mode, Device Mode, NetBoot Mode, Info
     Mode, and Unbless Mode.

     Folder Mode allows you to select a directory on a mounted volume to act
     as the “blessed” directory, which causes the system firmware to look in
     that directory for boot code. EFI-based systems also support a “blessed”
     system file, which is the primary mechanism of specifying the booter for
     a volume for those systems. In Folder Mode, if you are operating on an
     HFS+ volume, the HFS+ Volume Header is updated to reflect the
     files/directories given, which persists even if the volume is moved to
     another system or NVRAM is cleared.

     Mount Mode does not make permanent modifications to the filesystem, but
     rather set the system firmware to boot from the specified volume,
     assuming it has been properly blessed. This is a subset of the
     functionality of Folder Mode with the --setBoot option, but is convenient
     when you don't want to change or interrogate the filesystem for its
     blessed status.

     Device Mode is similar to Mount Mode, but allows selection of unmounted
     filesystems, for instance while in single user mode. It can also perform
     certain offline modifications to the filesystem, but is not generally

     NetBoot Mode sets the system firmware to boot from the network, using a
     URL syntax to specify the protocol and server.  bless only sets the local
     system to go into NetBoot mode, and does not communicate to the server
     what image should be used, if there are multiple images. Some other
     mechanism, such as using Startup Disk, should be used to select that.

     Info Mode will print out the currently-blessed directory of a volume, or
     if no mountpoint is specified, the active boot device that the firmware
     is set to boot from.

     Unbless Mode complements Folder Mode, and clears the persistent blessed
     folder and file information on HFS+ volumes.

     NOTE: bless must be run as the root user.

     Additionally, --help can be used to display the command-line usage

     Folder Mode has the following options:
     --folder directory       Set this directory to be the Mac OS X/Darwin
                  blessed directory, containing a BootX secondary
                  loader for New World machines.
     --file file          Set this file to be the Mac OS X/Darwin blessed
                  boot file, containing a booter for EFI-based
                  systems. If this option is not provided, a
                  default boot file is used based on the blessed
                  directory.  Create a BootX file in the Mac OS
                  X/Darwin system folder using file as a source.
                  If file is not provided, a default is used (see
                  FILES), using a path relative to the mountpoint
                  you are blessing. This attempts to ensure that a
                  BootX is used that is compatible with the OS on
                  the target volume.
     --bootefi [file]         Create a boot.efi file in the Mac OS X/Darwin
                  system folder using file as a source. If file is
                  not provided, a default is used (see FILES),
                  using a path relative to the mountpoint you are
                  blessing. This attempts to ensure that a
                  boot.efi is used that is compatible with the OS
                  on the target volume. If --file is also
                  provided, the new file will be created at that
                  path instead.
     --label name         Render a text label used in the firmware-based
                  OS picker
     --labelfile file         Use a pre-rendered label used for the firmware-
                  based OS picker
     --setBoot            Set the system to boot off the specified
                  partition. This is implemented in a platform-
                  specific manner. On Open Firmware-based systems,
                  the boot-device variable is modified. On EFI-
                  based systems, the efi-boot-device variable is
                  changed. This is not supported on Apple Silicon
                  based systems.
     --nextonly           Only change the boot device selection for the
                  next boot. This is only supported on EFI-based
     --shortform          Use an abbreviated device path form. This option
                  can allow for booting from new devices, at the
                  expense of boot time performance. This is only
                  supported on EFI-based systems.
     --legacy             If --setBoot is given, set the firmware to boot
                  a legacy BIOS-based operating system from the
                  specified disk. The active flag of an MBR-
                  partitioned disk is not modified, which can be
                  done with fdisk(8) . This is only supported on
                  EFI-based systems.
     --legacydrivehint device
                  Instruct the firmware to treat the specified
                  whole disk as the primary, master IDE drive.
                  This is only supported on EFI-based systems.
     --options            Set load options associated with the new boot
                  option. This is only supported on EFI-based
                  systems, and in general should be avoided.
                  Instead, use nvram(8) to set "boot-args" , which
                  will work with both Open Firmware- and EFI-based
     --personalize        Attempts to do a personalization operation on
                  the target, which validates the SecureBoot
                  bundle and ensures that the relevant boot files
                  are signed and valid for this particular
                  machine.  This may require network access, in
                  order to check the signatures.
     Only one of the following snapshot options can be activated at the same
     --create-snapshot        Attempts to create an APFS root snapshot of the
                  target APFS system volume and set it as root
                  snapshot of the system volume. The target system
                  will boot from this snapshot on its next boot.
     --snapshot           Set specific snapshot (uuid) as root snapshot of
                  the system volume.  The target system will boot
                  from this snapshot on its next boot.
     --snapshotname       Set specific snapshot (name) as root snapshot of
                  the system volume.  The target system will boot
                  from this snapshot on its next boot.
     --last-sealed-snapshot   Reverts back to using the previously signed APFS
                  root snapshot reenabling Authenticated Root
                   The target system will boot from this sealed
                  snapshot on its next boot.
     --quiet              Do not print any output
     --verbose            Print verbose output

     Mount Mode has the following options:
     --mount directory        Use the volume mounted at directory to change
                  the active boot device, in conjunction with
                  --setBoot.  The volume must already be properly
     --file file          Instead of allowing the firmware to discover the
                  booter based on the blessed directory or file,
                  pass an explicit path to the firmware to boot
                  from. This can be used to run EFI applications
                  or EFI booters for alternate OSes, but should
                  not be normally used. This is only supported on
                  EFI-based systems.
     --setBoot            Same as for Folder Mode.
     --nextonly           Same as for Folder Mode.
     --shortform          Same as for Folder Mode.
     --legacy             Same as for Folder Mode.
     --legacydrivehint device
                  Same as for Folder Mode.
     --options            Same as for Folder Mode.
     --personalize        Same as for Folder Mode.
     --create-snapshot        Same as for Folder Mode.
     --snapshot           Same as for Folder Mode.
     --snapshotname       Same as for Folder Mode.
     --last-sealed-snapshot   Same as for Folder Mode.
     --bootefi            This enables copying required boot objects when
                  --create-snapshot or --last-sealed-snapshot is
     --quiet              Do not print any output
     --verbose            Print verbose output

     Device Mode has the following options:
     --device device          Use the block device device to change the active
                  boot device. No volumes should be mounted from
                  device , and the filesystem should already be
                  properly blessed.
     --label name         Set the firmware-based OS picker label for the
                  unmounted filesystem, using name , which should
                  be in UTF-8 encoding.
     --labelfile file         Use a pre-rendered label used with the firmware-
                  based OS picker.
     --setBoot            Set the system to boot off the specified
                  partition, as with Folder and Mount Modes.
     --startupfile file       Add the file as the HFS+ StartupFile, and update
                  other information on disk as appropriate for the
                  startup file type.
     --nextonly           Same as for Folder Mode.
     --shortform          Same as for Folder Mode.
     --options            Same as for Folder Mode.
     --legacy             Same as for Folder Mode.
     --legacydrivehint device
                  Same as for Folder Mode.
     --quiet              Do not print any output
     --verbose            Print verbose output

     NetBoot Mode has the following options:
     --netboot            Instead of setting the active boot selection to
                  a disk-based volume, set the system to NetBoot.
     --server protocol://[interface@]server
                  A URL specification of how to boot the system.
                  Currently, the only protocol supported is BSDP
                  ("bsdp"), Apple's Boot Service Discovery
                  Protocol. The interface is optional, and the
                  server is the IPv4 address of the server in
                  dotted-quad notation. If there is not a specific
                  server you'd like to use, pass ""
                  to have the firmware broadcast for the first
                  available server. Examples of this notation
                  would be "bsdp://" and
     --nextonly           Same as for Folder Mode.
     --options            Same as for Folder Mode.
     --quiet              Do not print any output
     --verbose            Print verbose output

     Info Mode has the following options:
     --info [directory]       Print out the blessed system folder for the
                  volume mounted at directory . If directory is
                  not specified, print information for the
                  currently selected boot device (which may not
                  necessarily be ‘/’ ). This is not supported on
                  Apple Silicon based systems.
     --getBoot            Print out the logical boot device, based on what
                  is currently selected. This option will take
                  into account the fact that the firmware may be
                  pointing to an auxiliary booter partition, and
                  will print out the corresponding root partition
                  for those cases. If the system is configured to
                  NetBoot, a URL matching the format of the
                  --server specification for NetBoot mode will be
     --plist              Output all information in Property List (.plist)
                  format, suitable for parsing by CoreFoundation.
                  This is most useful when bless is executed from
                  another program and its standard output must be
     --quiet              Do not print any output
     --verbose            Print verbose output
     --version            Print bless version and exit immediately

     Unbless Mode has the following options:
     --unbless directory      Use the HFS+ volume mounted at directory and
                  unset any persistent blessed files/directories
                  in the HFS+ Volume Header.

     NOTE: Admin credentials may be prompted when running bless on an Apple
     silicon platform (beyond running the tool as an admin user). However, if
     the volume has been previously blessed by a different OS instance, then
     these credentials may not be necessary or used to bless the target OS.

   FOLDER MODE - Available only for external/removable devices
     Folder Mode has the following options:
     --folder directory       Set this directory to be the Mac OS X/Darwin
                  blessed directory, containing a booter for EFI-
                  based systems.
     --file file          Set this file to be the Mac OS X/Darwin blessed
                  boot file, containing a booter for EFI-based
                  systems. If this option is not provided, a
                  default boot file is used based on the blessed
     --personalize        Attempts to do a personalization operation on
                  the target, which validates the SecureBoot
                  bundle and ensures that the relevant boot files
                  are signed and valid for this particular
                  machine.  This may require network access, in
                  order to check the signatures.
     --quiet              Do not print any output
     --verbose            Print verbose output

     Mount Mode has the following options:
     --mount directory        Use the volume mounted at directory to change
                  the active boot device, in conjunction with
     --setBoot.           The volume must already be properly blessed.
     --nextonly           Only change the boot device selection for the
                  next boot.
     --create-snapshot        Attempts to create an APFS root snapshot of the
                  target APFS system volume and set it as root
                  snapshot of the system volume. The target system
                  will boot from this snapshot on its next boot.
     --snapshot           Set specific snapshot (uuid) as root snapshot of
                  the system volume.  The target system will boot
                  from this snapshot on its next boot.
     --snapshotname       Set specific snapshot (name) as root snapshot of
                  the system volume.  The target system will boot
                  from this snapshot on its next boot.
     --last-sealed-snapshot   Reverts back to using the previously signed APFS
                  root snapshot reenabling Authenticated Root
                  Volume.  The target system will boot from this
                  sealed snapshot on its next boot.
     --user           Collect a local owner username to authorize boot
                  policy modification.
     --stdinpass          Collect a local owner password from stdin
                  without prompting.
     --passpromt          Explicitly ask to be prompted for the password.
     --quiet              Do not print any output
     --verbose            Print verbose output

     Device Mode has the following options:
     --device device          Use the block device device to change the active
                  boot device. No volumes should be mounted from
                  device , and the filesystem should already be
                  properly blessed.
     --setBoot            Set the system to boot off the specified volume,
                  as with Mount and Device mode Modes.  for the
                  startup file type.
     --nextonly           Same as for Mount Mode.
     --user           Collect a local owner username to authorize boot
                  policy modification.
     --stdinpass          Collect a local owner password from stdin
                  without prompting.
     --passpromt          Explicitly ask to be prompted for the password.
     --quiet              Do not print any output
     --verbose            Print verbose output

     Info Mode has the following options:
     --info [directory]       (Available only for external/removable devices)
                  Print out the blessed system folder for the
                  volume mounted at directory . If directory is
                  not specified, print information for the
                  currently selected boot device (which may not
                  necessarily be ‘/’ ).
     --getBoot            Print out the logical boot device, based on what
                  is currently selected. This option will take
                  into account the fact that the firmware may be
                  pointing to an auxiliary booter partition, and
                  will print out the corresponding root partition
                  for those cases.
     --plist              Output all information in Property List (.plist)
                  format, suitable for parsing by CoreFoundation.
                  This is most useful when bless is executed from
                  another program and its standard output must be
     --user           Collect a local owner username to authorize boot
                  policy modification.
     --stdinpass          Collect a local owner password from stdin
                  without prompting.
     --passpromt          Explicitly ask to be prompted for the password.
     --quiet              Do not print any output
     --verbose            Print verbose output
     --version            Print bless version and exit immediately

     Booter for EFI-based systems, used with the --bootefi flag. If the
     argument to --bootefi is ommitted, this file will be used as the default
     Typical blessed folder for Mac OS X and Darwin

     To bless a volume with only Mac OS X or Darwin, and create the BootX and
     boot.efi files as needed:

       bless --folder "/Volumes/Mac OS X/System/Library/CoreServices"

     To set a volume containing either Mac OS 9 and Mac OS X to be the active

       bless --mount "/Volumes/Mac OS" --setBoot

     To set the system to NetBoot and broadcast for an available server:

       bless --netboot --server bsdp://

     To gather information about the currently selected volume (as determined
     by the firmware), suitable for piping to a program capable of parsing
     Property Lists:

       bless --info --plist

     mount(8), newfs(8), nvram(8)

Mac OS X             July 6, 2022                 Mac OS X
PaulCharlton commented 1 week ago

status update

shutdown -h now

failed when the installer reached the following prompt:

Resuming installation into disk0s3 (Fedora Linux with KDE Plasma)

To continue the installation, you will need to enter your macOS
admin credentials.

Password for asahilinux: 

Setting the new OS as the default boot volume...

Installation successful!

Install information:
  APFS VGID: C5D3DB51-2F14-4CE4-B438-95A0339BE0F6

To be able to boot your new OS, you will need to complete one more step.
Please read the following instructions carefully. Failure to do so
will leave your new installation in an unbootable state.

Press enter to continue.

The failure mode was slightly different, in that instead of shutdown, it rebooted directly to a recovery console -- and I was able to "select startup disk" back to my macOS, and it rebooted to macOS and thereafter shutdown works without rebooting

PaulCharlton commented 1 week ago

status update

the system shuts down normally when the installer is at this prompt:

Using OS 'Macintosh HD' (disk4s1s1) for machine authentication.

Choose what to do:
  p: Repair an incomplete installation
  r: Resize an existing partition to make space for a new OS
  q: Quit without doing anything
» Action (p): p

Resuming installation into disk0s3 (Fedora Linux with KDE Plasma)

To continue the installation, you will need to enter your macOS
admin credentials.

Password for asahilinux:

noting that the following Asahi related disks are mounted when that prompt appears:

/dev/disk3s1 on /Volumes/Fedora Linux with KDE Plasma - Data (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse, protect)
/dev/disk3s2 on /Volumes/Fedora Linux with KDE Plasma (apfs, local, journaled)
map auto_home on /System/Volumes/Data/home (autofs, automounted, nobrowse)
/dev/disk4s3 on /Volumes/Recovery (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)
/dev/disk3s3 on /Volumes/Preboot (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)
/dev/disk3s4 on /Volumes/Recovery 1 (apfs, local, journaled, nobrowse)
PaulCharlton commented 1 week ago

status update

after accepting the prompt in the previous comment (reinstall Asahi, after reboot, but without a clean DFU)

system did shutdown with shutdown -h now, however, pushing the power button started a boot loop that went perhaps 10 times, then presented a Boot Recovery Assistant screen ... which allowed me to selected between Chosing a different boot partition or launching the recovery assistant. Choosing the original macOS as the startup disk, launched macOS and then shutdown is working normally again.


The only other thing coming to mind currently is that bless --device xxx --setBoot is not supposed to be called when the devices are mounted, so perhaps bless is using a low level API in device mode which bypasses file-system sync for mounted filesystems?

PaulCharlton commented 1 week ago

status update

per the Apple Silicon part of man bless(8) DO NOT USE bless --device on a partition with mounted volumes.

-device device        Use the block device device to change the active
                  boot device. No volumes should be mounted from
                  device , and the filesystem should already be
                  properly blessed.
     --setBoot            Set the system to boot off the specified volume,
                  as with Mount and Device mode Modes.  for the
                  startup file type.

the relevant quote being "No volumes should be mounted from device "

Anyhow, time to change the bless function in the python to use --mount instead of --device, repackage the Asahi installer, do yet another DFU wipe, and test again.

PaulCharlton commented 1 week ago

2 line PR forthcoming. And, we can probably do away with the while loop around the bless in

From e4ac21dab51ef634aebc16aa8df355977c2877e8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Paul Charlton <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2024 17:34:08 +0700
Subject: [PATCH] checkpoint

 src/                      |  4 +-
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 2c09eef..9c796b2 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -535,7 +535,7 @@ class InstallerMain:
             p_progress("Setting the new OS as the default boot volume...")
       ["bless", "--setBoot",
-                                "--device", "/dev/" + self.ins.osi.sys_volume,
+                                "--mount", self.ins.osi.system,
                                 "--user", self.admin_user, "--stdinpass"],
@@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ class InstallerMain:
                     p_warning("Let's try a different way. Sorry, you'll have to type it in again.")
               ["bless", "--setBoot",
-                                        "--device", "/dev/" + self.ins.osi.sys_volume,
+                                        "--mount", self.ins.osi.system,
                                         "--user", self.admin_user], check=True)

Here's what ChatGPT had to say:

Using the `--device` option with the `bless` command on a mounted volume can lead to unexpected behaviors and potential errors. Here’s a detailed look at what might happen:

### Understanding `--device` and `--mount`

- **`--device`**: This option specifies the raw device path (e.g., `/dev/disk2s1`) of the volume to be set as bootable. It is typically used for unmounted or low-level device operations.
- **`--mount`**: This option specifies the path to the mounted volume (e.g., `/Volumes/YourVolumeName`). It is used for operations on volumes that are currently mounted and accessible in the filesystem.

### Potential Issues with Using `--device` on a Mounted Volume

1. **Conflicts and Errors**:
   - Using `--device` on a mounted volume can cause conflicts because the system already has an active file system mounted and in use.
   - The `bless` command might fail with an error indicating that the device is busy or that the operation cannot be completed because the volume is in use.

2. **Inconsistent State**:
   - Modifying the boot settings of a mounted volume can lead to an inconsistent state where the boot information might not be properly updated or recognized.
   - This can result in the volume not being bootable or the system being unable to locate the correct boot information.

3. **Potential Data Corruption**:
   - Directly manipulating the raw device of a mounted volume can risk data corruption. Since the file system is active, any low-level changes might interfere with ongoing read/write operations.

### Recommended Approach

If you need to set a bootable volume using `bless`, it is recommended to use the appropriate option based on the state of the volume:

- **For Mounted Volumes**: Use the `--mount` option.
  sudo bless --mount /Volumes/YourVolumeName --setBoot

Additional Tips

  1. Unmount Before Using --device:

    • If you need to use the --device option, unmount the volume first using diskutil:
      sudo diskutil unmount /Volumes/YourVolumeName
      sudo bless --device /dev/disk2s1 --setBoot
  2. Check Volume Status:

    • Verify the status of the volume before performing bless operations:
      diskutil list
      diskutil info /dev/disk2s1
  3. Refer to Documentation:

By following these guidelines and using the appropriate options for your specific scenario, you can avoid potential issues and ensure a successful configuration of the bootable volume on macOS.

PaulCharlton commented 6 days ago

status update

The patch to bless described above completely eliminates the reboot instead of shutdown behaviors. There is still more follow-up on other behaviors I am noticing, for which I will file separate issues.

1) the first boot after the install/shutdown reboots multiple times then ends up in the wrong recovery console, and then 2) use the "wrong" recovery console to select the macOS as the startup disk, and then 3) hold down the power button to get the boot menu, select Fedora, at which point it goes to the "right" recovery console to complete the install of Fedora and boot policies, and then 4) select from the recovery console startup options, Fedora as the default startup disk (apparently some of the info from the original installer's bless got borked, and then 5) reboot, and then 6) joy. Asahi Fedora remix is running as the default OS on subsequent reboots and no reboot-instead-of-shutdown behavior is observed.

PR forthcoming on the initial bless issue. note: use of bless requires Internet access under certain conditions, one of which being that the macOS is configured with the iCloud (remote) password option.

marcan commented 3 days ago

Nobody else is experiencing this, and given your utterly confused investigation in #304 I have very little faith in your ability to troubleshoot this and narrow it down to a true root cause. The "fix" in #291 makes no sense. Please file a FB with Apple. This has nothing to do with us.