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Cursor leaving a "burn mark" on GNOME after three finger vertical swipe #212

Open Kidplayer666 opened 8 months ago

Kidplayer666 commented 8 months ago

When using video capture, the issue was not visible on the captured video, therefore the bad phone recording.

jonas2515 commented 8 months ago

This is a bug in mutter: Asahi uses software cursors currently, and mutter fails to invalidate the whole cursor region on some repaints. Feel free to open a bug with mutter if you want, mutter developers are aware of this issue already though.

heywoodlh commented 4 months ago

I seem to be encountering this, running GNOME + Wayland. I suspect this is related, as I notice my frame rate drops when cursor artifacts show up around Firefox for me:

Tried the setting following environment variables without success:


Is there any potential workaround to get GNOME+Mutter to consistently deliver 60 FPS?