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Rewrite bits/080-wifi to incorporate latest changes #232

Closed dberlin closed 7 months ago

dberlin commented 7 months ago

This rewrites the wifi bits branch to include updated versions of patches.

In particular:

1. Updated VHT capabilities that fix some throughput issues
2. Updated versions of the 6g patches that match what is being sent upstream
3. Function-pointerized handling of versioned structures for interface creation,
   scanning, join parameters, supported channel list, and scan results.  This starts
   to let us move the versioned structures to be private, and exposing them through function
   pointer based APIs.
   This was requested by upstream.
4. Support for GCMP cipher offload (used by WPA3) and supporting all available auth suites
   the chip can support.
5. Support for high/low power scanning flags (which the underlying 802.11 stack supports) to
   save power.
6. Some miscellaneous better info - we now return proper rate info where possible to the 802.11 stack,
   improving the display in IW and elsewhere (making it also easier to debug things, since you can now
   tell if you are using HE or not, and such)

I squashed the function pointer-izing patches against the originals (IE join_v1 never gets introduced as a feature anymore).

marcan commented 7 months ago

Pushed to the bits branch, thanks!