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sleep mode battery improvement #262

Open eslerm opened 4 months ago

eslerm commented 4 months ago

Asahi draws ~2% battery life per hour of sleep on a M2 ( On macOS, this power draw is nearly 0% per hour.

This is an important feature, since putting an Asahi device into sleep mode over night requires ~20% battery and doing so often will greatly shorten the lifespan of a battery.

popey commented 4 months ago

On my m1 air running latest Ubuntu Asahi I did a test. Previously I had noticed significant drain while lid closed in my bag.



So it's a bit more thirsty than macOS for sure.

eslerm commented 4 months ago

I've noticed that if charge is at 100%, it will show no or little discharge during sleep for the first hour. I'm not sure why. If anyone is testing this, please run the test for multiple hours.