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Touchbar is glitching on sleep mode #264

Open Emirhankayar opened 4 months ago

Emirhankayar commented 4 months ago

Whenever the machine gets into the sleeping mode or meanwhile booting up, which the times when the touchbar is actually disabled it starts to glitch in a strange way.

Behaviour: Touchbar does not get disabled properly, instead it is glitching like an old tv from 80s, whenever the machine is idle (sleep mode or booting up), but the functionality of the touchbar is well there is no problem over there.

Machine: M1 macBook Pro, 13 inch, 8GB

Extra information, I installed and deleted asahi many times after fedora remix update, i switched from arch to fedora and this tocuhbar behaviour only happened in fedora. Environments I used was: KDE wayland, GNOME wayland and now currently I use with hyprland sway kind of configuration but this behaviour happens in all this 3 different environments.