AsamK / signal-cli

signal-cli provides an unofficial commandline, JSON-RPC and dbus interface for the Signal messenger.
GNU General Public License v3.0
3.24k stars 309 forks source link

messages sent to a group only are delivered to the owner #1095

Closed DcFamas closed 2 years ago

DcFamas commented 2 years ago

Hey there, 'cause of the dependencies I updated to the latest versions. I use one group with my fiancé for the smarthome notifications. Since the upgrade she will not longer receive the messages, it only shows one checkmark:

Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
openjdk version "17.0.4" 2022-07-19
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.4+8-Debian-1deb11u1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.4+8-Debian-1deb11u1, mixed mode, sharing)
latest  libsignal-client _don't know how to check_


I'm using this command: sudo -u iobroker signal-cli -u myphonenumbersend -m "📷 Bewegung erkannt!" -g mygroupid -a /opt/iobroker/ipcam/alarm.gif

Thank you for your upcoming help. :)

Best regards!

AsamK commented 2 years ago

It does work for in my tests, can you provide the log output with --verbose?

DcFamas commented 2 years ago

Hey Sebastian, thank you for your quick response. Here we go:

root@ioBroker:/home/administrator# sudo -u iobroker signal-cli -v -u MyPhoneNumber send -g MyGroupID -m "🔋 Akkukapazität gering, System fährt gleich herunter!"

2022-11-09T16:59:35.228+0100 [main] DEBUG org.asamk.signal.util.IOUtils - XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, falling back to temp dir

2022-11-09T16:59:35.842+0100 [main] INFO  LibSignal - [libsignal]: rust/bridge/jni/src/ Initializing libsignal version:0.20.0

2022-11-09T16:59:35.845+0100 [main] DEBUG org.asamk.signal.util.IOUtils - XDG_DATA_HOME not set, falling back to home dir

2022-11-09T16:59:36.427+0100 [main] INFO  com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Starting...

2022-11-09T16:59:36.622+0100 [main] INFO  com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool - HikariPool-1 - Added connection org.sqlite.jdbc4.JDBC4Connection@1a9c38eb

2022-11-09T16:59:36.625+0100 [main] INFO  com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Start completed.

2022-11-09T16:59:36.811+0100 [main] INFO  o.a.s.manager.helper.AccountHelper - The Signal protocol expects that incoming messages are regularly received.

2022-11-09T16:59:38.861+0100 [main] DEBUG o.a.signal.manager.helper.SendHelper - Too few sender-key-capable users (0). Doing all legacy sends.

2022-11-09T16:59:38.862+0100 [main] DEBUG o.a.signal.manager.helper.SendHelper - Need to do a legacy send to send a sync message for a group of only ourselves.

2022-11-09T16:59:38.882+0100 [main] DEBUG LibSignal - [SignalServiceMessageSender]: [aNumber] Sending a data message to 0 recipients.

2022-11-09T16:59:38.985+0100 [main] DEBUG LibSignal - [SignalServiceMessageSender]: [aNumber] Sending to 0 recipients.

2022-11-09T16:59:38.986+0100 [main] DEBUG LibSignal - [SignalServiceMessageSender]: [aNumber] Completed send to 0 recipients in 0 ms, with an average time of 0 ms per send.

2022-11-09T16:59:39.090+0100 [main] INFO  LibSignal - [libsignal]: rust/protocol/src/ Building PreKeyWhisperMessage for: aKey with preKeyId: aKey

2022-11-09T16:59:39.297+0100 [main] INFO  LibSignal - [libsignal]: rust/protocol/src/ Building PreKeyWhisperMessage for: aKey with preKeyId: aKey

2022-11-09T16:59:39.386+0100 [main] INFO  LibSignal - [libsignal]: rust/protocol/src/ Building PreKeyWhisperMessage for: aKey with preKeyId: aKey

2022-11-09T16:59:39.457+0100 [main] DEBUG LibSignal - [SignalServiceMessageSender]: [sendMessage][1668009578536] Sending a sent sync message to devices: [1, 3, 4]

2022-11-09T16:59:39.595+0100 [main] INFO  LibSignal - [SignalServiceMessageSender]: [sendMessage][1668009578536] Pipe unavailable, falling back... (WebSocketUnavailableException: WebSocket not currently available.)

2022-11-09T16:59:40.100+0100 [main] DEBUG o.a.signal.manager.helper.SendHelper - Successfully sent using 1:1 to 0/0 legacy targets.

2022-11-09T16:59:40.101+0100 [main] DEBUG o.a.signal.manager.helper.SendHelper - Sending took PT1.308S

2022-11-09T16:59:40.119+0100 [main] INFO  com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Shutdown initiated...

2022-11-09T16:59:40.125+0100 [main] INFO  com.zaxxer.hikari.HikariDataSource - HikariPool-1 - Shutdown completed.

2022-11-09T16:59:40.126+0100 [msl-cleanup] DEBUG o.a.s.m.s.s.MessageSendLogStore - Stopping msl cleanup thread

Best regards :)

AsamK commented 2 years ago

Ok, signal-cli isn't event attempting to send the message, it thinks the group has no other members.

Please check the current members of the group with: signal-cli -u MyPhoneNumber listGroups -d -g MyGroupID

If the Members list is empty there, you can try to refresh the group with signal-cli -u MyPhoneNumber updateGroup -g MyGroupID

DcFamas commented 2 years ago

Great, thanks for the support! First she wasn't member of the group, but after refreshing it she is now member of the group. :)