Ascend / pytorch

Ascend PyTorch adapter (torch_npu). Mirror of
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昇腾310p LLM推理报错:RuntimeError: copy_d2d:build/CMakeFiles/torch_npu.dir/compiler_depend.ts:104 NPU function error: #49

Open Serious-H opened 2 weeks ago

Serious-H commented 2 weeks ago

一、问题现象(附报错日志上下文): RuntimeError: copy_d2d:build/CMakeFiles/torch_npu.dir/compiler_depend.ts:104 NPU function error: c10_npu::acl::AclrtSynchronizeStreamWithTimeout(copy_stream), error code is 507013 [ERROR] 2024-09-04-02:09:03 (PID:2526494, Device:1, RankID:-1) ERR00100 PTA call acl api failed [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EI9999: Inner Error! The error from device(1), serial number is 13. there is a sdma error, sdma channel is 0, the channel exist the following problems: The SMMU returns a Terminate error during page table translation.. the value of CQE status is 2. the description of CQE status: When the SQE translates a page table, the SMMU returns a Terminate's config include: setting1=0xc000080880e0000, setting2=0xff009000ff004c, setting3=0, sq base addr=0x800d00801003d000[FUNC:ProcessSdmaErrorInfo][][LINE:704] EI9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.196.977 Memory async copy failed, device_id=1, stream_id=3, task_id=703, flip_num=0, copy_type=2, memcpy_type=0, copy_data_type=0, length=40960[FUNC:GetError][][LINE:1082] TraceBack (most recent call last): rtStreamSynchronizeWithTimeout execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] synchronize stream failed, runtime result = 507013[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161]

DEVICE[1] PID[2526494]: EXCEPTION STREAM: Exception info:TGID=2526494, model id=65535, stream id=3, stream phase=3 Message info[0]:RTS_HWTS: hwts sdma error, slot_id=29, stream_id=3 Other info[0]:time=2024-09-04-02:08:53.201.667, function=int_process_hwts_sdma_error, line=2070, error code=0x20b [W compiler_depend.ts:409] Warning: NPU warning, error code is 507013[Error]: [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EH9999: Inner Error! rtDeviceSynchronize execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] EH9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.218.111 wait for compute device to finish failed, runtime result = 507013.[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161] TraceBack (most recent call last): (function npuSynchronizeUsedDevices) [W compiler_depend.ts:392] Warning: NPU warning, error code is 507013[Error]: [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EH9999: Inner Error! rtDeviceSynchronize execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] EH9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.220.229 wait for compute device to finish failed, runtime result = 507013.[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161] TraceBack (most recent call last): (function npuSynchronizeDevice) [W compiler_depend.ts:392] Warning: NPU warning, error code is 507013[Error]: [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EH9999: Inner Error! rtDeviceSynchronize execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] EH9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.222.326 wait for compute device to finish failed, runtime result = 507013.[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161] TraceBack (most recent call last): (function npuSynchronizeDevice) [W compiler_depend.ts:392] Warning: NPU warning, error code is 507013[Error]: [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EH9999: Inner Error! rtDeviceSynchronize execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] EH9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.224.399 wait for compute device to finish failed, runtime result = 507013.[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161] TraceBack (most recent call last): (function npuSynchronizeDevice) [W compiler_depend.ts:392] Warning: NPU warning, error code is 507013[Error]: [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EH9999: Inner Error! rtDeviceSynchronize execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] EH9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.226.481 wait for compute device to finish failed, runtime result = 507013.[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161] TraceBack (most recent call last): (function npuSynchronizeDevice) [W compiler_depend.ts:392] Warning: NPU warning, error code is 507013[Error]: [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EH9999: Inner Error! rtDeviceSynchronize execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] EH9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.228.566 wait for compute device to finish failed, runtime result = 507013.[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161] TraceBack (most recent call last): (function npuSynchronizeDevice) [W compiler_depend.ts:392] Warning: NPU warning, error code is 507013[Error]: [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EH9999: Inner Error! rtDeviceSynchronize execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] EH9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.230.811 wait for compute device to finish failed, runtime result = 507013.[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161] TraceBack (most recent call last): (function npuSynchronizeDevice) [W compiler_depend.ts:392] Warning: NPU warning, error code is 507013[Error]: [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EH9999: Inner Error! rtDeviceSynchronize execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] EH9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.233.321 wait for compute device to finish failed, runtime result = 507013.[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161] TraceBack (most recent call last): (function npuSynchronizeDevice) [W compiler_depend.ts:392] Warning: NPU warning, error code is 507013[Error]: [Error]: System Direct Memory Access (DMA) hardware execution error. Rectify the fault based on the error information in the ascend log. EH9999: Inner Error! rtDeviceSynchronize execute failed, reason=[sdma copy error][FUNC:FuncErrorReason][][LINE:53] EH9999: 2024-09-04-02:09:03.235.839 wait for compute device to finish failed, runtime result = 507013.[FUNC:ReportCallError][FILE:log_inner.cpp][LINE:161] TraceBack (most recent call last): (function npuSynchronizeDevice)

二、软件版本: -- CANN 版本 (e.g., CANN 3.0.x,5.x.x): CANN 8.0.RC2 --Tensorflow/Pytorch/MindSpore 版本: pytorch 2.1.0 torch_npu2.1.0.post6
--Python 版本 (e.g., Python 3.7.5):Python 3.10.14 --操作系统版本 (e.g., Ubuntu 18.04): Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa) 三、测试步骤:

import torch
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer
from transformers.generation.utils import GenerationConfig
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("/baichuan-2-chat-pytorch-7b", use_fast=False, trust_remote_code=True)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained("/baichuan-2-chat-pytorch-7b", device_map="auto", torch_dtype=torch.bfloat16, trust_remote_code=True)
model.generation_config = GenerationConfig.from_pretrained("/baichuan-2-chat-pytorch-7b")
messages = []
messages.append({"role": "user", "content": "介绍一下自己。"})
response =, messages)


四、日志信息: ascend/log/debug/plog/plog-2514126_20240904013504490.log 日志见附件 plog-2514126_20240904013504490.log

Ycpljl commented 5 days ago

Same problem, have you solved it?

Lidarker commented 1 day ago
