Closed SangenBR closed 2 years ago
I don't have issues with your line. Try using ConvertBits(32, fulls=false, fulld=true)
instead of avsresize.
Btw the RGB shouldn't be linear. This is the correct conversion - z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="RGBPS", colorspace_op="709:709:709:limited=>rgb:709:709:full", resample_filter="spline36")
I tried to use the conversion mode you indicated but it gives an error as it is in the image
I'm trying like this
ConvertBits(32, fulls=false, fulld=true)
ConvertBits(32, fulls=false, fulld=true)
ConvertToPlanarRGB(matrix="pc709", chromaresample="spline36") # change matrix if it's other
the conversion works fine but when active Rife closes avspmod
What's your avs+ version? It requires AviSynth+ r3682 (can be downloaded from here until official release is uploaded) or later.
I'm using the version of this link
You need newer version (for example the one from the link in my previous comment) if you want to use this plugin. It's mentioned in the requirements.
Ok, thx.
How do I convert to rgb32bit? I tried it here (z_ConvertFormat(pixel_type="RGBPS", colorspace_op="709:709:709:limited=>rgb:linear:709:full", resample_filter="spline36")) but when I put Rife it ends up closing avspmod