Asek3 / Rubidium

Rubidium is an Unofficial Fork of CaffeineMC's "Sodium", made to work with Forge Mod Loader.
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
117 stars 56 forks source link

1.20.1 Rubidium 0.7.0 Crash "net.minecraft.ReportedException: Rendering Block Entity", and 0.6.5 glitches #617

Open DarianStardust opened 11 months ago

DarianStardust commented 11 months ago

When accessing certain UI's, or finishing a recipe on the altars of forbidden arcanus, the game crashes.

The particular recipe being done is to upgrade the Forge, and when the recipe is complete, the forge is surrounded by magic circles and effects <- This is what is supposed to happen. Instead when placing the materials for the forge upgrade, the instant the last material is placed which completes the recipec the game crashes Instantly.

This issue does not happen when using 0.6.5 Rubidium, the magic circles show up fine and all the animations for rituals (so far anyway) work. whoever that version has other issues I will describe next.

Log for 0.7.0 latest.log . . . . For Rubidium 0.6.5 issues: Some blocks, and multi-block structures get a black texture glitch, their original colors are almost entirely obscured (not the black and purple squares, it's not missing texture, the texture is Darkened, like there's no torches around and light is 0 ), I found out that this happens when the Graphic option "Soft Lighting" is turned off, and when it's turned On this black texture problem doesn't happen. Regarding the Graphic configs, they have overlapping text (Language Brazil), this only happens with 0.6.5, 0.7.0 doesn't have this issue. There's other minor issues like Archwood tree Leaves (Ars Nouveau) having weird coloration when graphics are set to "fast", the pixels that turn transparent when graphics are set to Detailed, when on Fast mode, have weird color glitches, doesn't happen on 0.7.5, and Aurum tree Leaves (Forbidden and arcanus) having black pixels where there shouldn't be, again on the spaces where the pixels would be transparent if graphics where on "Detailed".

Block: Library of Alexandria (Apotheosis) 2023-09-23_10 41 17

Multi-Block Structure: Clibano Forge (Forbidden and Arcanus) 2023-09-21_13 29 25

Overlapping Text: Captura de Tela (197)

2023-09-23_14 13 41

I'll do what I can to provide more info if needed, that's all for now

agentwolf88 commented 11 months ago

He does not care. :(

DarianStardust commented 11 months ago

He does not care. :(

.. eh? wat

agentwolf88 commented 11 months ago

Everybody reports this crash, but he wont fix it.

DarianStardust commented 11 months ago

Everybody reports this crash, but he wont fix it.

Oh... firstly, Why? the issue does not happen on previous versions so it should be fixable and secondly, well sh*t ._.)

any chance for the 0.6.5 bugs I reported being fixed at least?

Asek3 commented 11 months ago

Everybody reports this crash, but he wont fix it.

Oh... firstly, Why? the issue does not happen on previous versions so it should be fixable and secondly, well sh*t ._.)

any chance for the 0.6.5 bugs I reported being fixed at least?


SirTwsted commented 11 months ago

Everybody reports this crash, but he wont fix it.

I think because he is from Ukraine.
And his country is going through some horrible things right now that are far more important. 🤷‍♀️ Just thought I would mention that important part. 🤷‍♀️

DarianStardust commented 11 months ago

Everybody reports this crash, but he wont fix it.

I think because he is from Ukraine. And his country is going through some horrible things right now that are far more important. 🤷‍♀️ Just thought I would mention that important part. 🤷‍♀️

A h I did not know that, F

agentwolf88 commented 11 months ago

Everybody reports this crash, but he wont fix it.

I think because he is from Ukraine. And his country is going through some horrible things right now that are far more important. 🤷‍♀️ Just thought I would mention that important part. 🤷‍♀️

If so, then I'm sorry.