AsemAlhaidary / hexo-search-generator

This is an updated version of the 'hexo-generator-search' package
1 stars 1 forks source link

Search doesn't honor `_config.yml` #2

Closed lorezyra closed 1 year ago

lorezyra commented 1 year ago

related to

    <link href="//2021/0527/Work_%E4%BB%95%E4%BA%8B/Projects/Redesigning-RichieBartlett-com.html"/>
    <published>Thu May 27 2021 13:11:28 GMT+0300</published>
    <modified>Thu Apr 21 2022 22:52:32 GMT+0300</modified>
    <content type="html">
        <![CDATA[ <h2 id="The-old-website">The old website</h2><p>Originally, I used my domain name <code></code> for email and a landing page. Somewhere people could find a few bits of information about me. I didn’t really design it… as the template was free from <a href=""></a>. At the time I was using GoDaddy to host my website and manage all my DNS. Since then, I have moved a lot of my domains to AWS. I plan to migrate all my domains to AWS at some point. But need to wait for AWS to support the same TLDs that GoDaddy already has…</p><h2 id="Afterthought">Afterthought</h2><p>The website was more of an afterthought. Something to add to my skill sets and point visitors to my other online profiles. I never designed it for mobile experience and while it looked <em>okay</em> for the PC, it didn’t scale very well. So, here I have an old, dusty webpage that needs to reflect who I am and where I’m going.<br /><img "" class="lazyload" data-original="./Redesigning-RichieBartlett-com/ScreenShot_2021-05-27@16.23.37.png" src="" alt=" 2016~2020" /></p><h2 id="New-project">New project</h2><p>I’ve created a new GitHub repo complete with <a href="">issues and project tracking</a> to see through the process to rebranding my main website. It can’t be just a crappy excuse of a CV either. Besides I have LinkedIn for that… It must keep visitors engaged. Everyone wants to learn “who is Richie Bartlett?” And, why should they care when the old site did so little to keep them…</p><p>So, I’ve commissioned some help to build an awesome design. Over the next few weeks, visit again and watch the new website grow. I’m sure there will be plenty of little things that need attention and enhancement.</p><h2 id="Why-not-another-single-page-site">Why not another single page site?</h2><p>As I would like to better understand what visitors are doing on my site, I’ve decided to break it into multiple pages as this makes it very easy to review from the access logs on the back-end. Pages that get more traffic will get more attention and will be made easier to reach.</p><h2 id="Add-a-blog">Add a blog</h2><p>Also, I will merge the designs for the main site and the blog subdomain. The main site will come first. Then the blog will be redesigned to match and blend with the main website. The layout will be slightly different between the two, but overall theme will be the same.</p> ]]>
        <category> Work_仕事 </category>
        <category> Projects </category>
        <tag> web design </tag>
        <tag> AWS </tag>
AsemAlhaidary commented 1 year ago

Search already honoring config.permalink

  <link href="/en/Work_%E4%BB%95%E4%BA%8B/Projects/Redesigning-RichieBartlett-com/"/>
  <published>Thu May 27 2021 13:11:28 GMT+0300</published>
  <modified>Mon Sep 26 2022 16:17:48 GMT+0300</modified>

    <content type="html"><![CDATA[<h2 id="The-old-website">The old website</h2><p>Originally, I used my domain name <code></code> for email and a landing page. Somewhere people could find a few bits of information about me. I didn’t really design it… as the template was free from <a href=""></a>. At the time I was using GoDaddy to host my website and manage all my DNS. Since then, I have moved a lot of my domains to AWS. I plan to migrate all my domains to AWS at some point. But need to wait for AWS to support the same TLDs that GoDaddy already has…</p><h2 id="Afterthought">Afterthought</h2><p>The website was more of an afterthought. Something to add to my skill sets and point visitors to my other online profiles. I never designed it for mobile experience and while it looked <em>okay</em> for the PC, it didn’t scale very well. So, here I have an old, dusty webpage that needs to reflect who I am and where I’m going.<br /><img "" class="lazyload" data-original="ScreenShot_2021-05-27@16.23.37.png" src="" alt=" 2016~2020" /></p><h2 id="New-project">New project</h2><p>I’ve created a new GitHub repo complete with <a href="">issues and project tracking</a> to see through the process to rebranding my main website. It can’t be just a crappy excuse of a CV either. Besides I have LinkedIn for that… It must keep visitors engaged. Everyone wants to learn “who is Richie Bartlett?” And, why should they care when the old site did so little to keep them…</p><p>So, I’ve commissioned some help to build an awesome design. Over the next few weeks, visit again and watch the new website grow. I’m sure there will be plenty of little things that need attention and enhancement.</p><h2 id="Why-not-another-single-page-site">Why not another single page site?</h2><p>As I would like to better understand what visitors are doing on my site, I’ve decided to break it into multiple pages as this makes it very easy to review from the access logs on the back-end. Pages that get more traffic will get more attention and will be made easier to reach.</p><h2 id="Add-a-blog">Add a blog</h2><p>Also, I will merge the designs for the main site and the blog subdomain. The main site will come first. Then the blog will be redesigned to match and blend with the main website. The layout will be slightly different between the two, but overall theme will be the same.</p>]]></content>






      <tag>web design</tag>



lorezyra commented 1 year ago

Okay, looks like the issue is more related to how Hexo processes events. The search doesn’t regenerate every hexo gen… you must run hexo clean before the correct event is triggered.