Aseman-Land / Cutegram

Cutegram is a telegram client by Aseman Land. It's forked from sigram.
GNU General Public License v3.0
387 stars 60 forks source link

Transparent Window - Type AsemanMain unavailable #294

Closed BOFH90 closed 4 years ago

BOFH90 commented 6 years ago

Problem happens with ArchLinux with QT5.10. Cutegram used to work before. Deleting Cache and Settings won´t help. Cutegram opens in terminal without any error message but only the window-decoration is showing up.

Journalcontrol-Output: Dez 20 10:55:48 desktop cutegram[6915]: qrc:/qml/Cutegram/main.qml:7:1: Type AsemanMain unavailable Dez 20 10:55:48 desktop cutegram[6915]: qrc:///asemantools/qml/AsemanTools/AsemanMain.qml:93:5: MessageDialog is not a type

p-c-e-s commented 6 years ago

I am having the same issue. It started with the recent update of qt5-webkit to version 5.212.

The output differs slightly: qrc:/qml/Cutegram/main.qml:7:1: Type AsemanMain unavailable qrc:///asemantools/qml/AsemanTools/AsemanMain.qml:82:5: BottomPanel is not a type

dfaggioli commented 6 years ago

Same here, and same error message, on openSUSE Tumbleweed (installed the Cutegram RPM from this repo: ).

I'm on GNOME.

muth0mi commented 6 years ago

Same here on arch

Snuggle commented 6 years ago

Same here on Solus after a clean install. Only shows window decorations - everything else is transparent.

➜ cutegram -v
Cutegram 2.7.1

➜ cutegram -f -V
qrc:/qml/Cutegram/main.qml:7:1: Type AsemanMain unavailable
qrc:///asemantools/qml/AsemanTools/AsemanMain.qml:93:5: MessageDialog is not a type
➜ sudo eopkg info qt5-base
Installed package:
Name                : qt5-base, version: 5.10.0, release: 16
Summary             : Cross platform application and UI framework
Description         : Cross platform application and UI Framework
Licenses            : FDL-1.3, GPL-2.0, LGPL-2.1, LGPL-3.0
Component           : desktop.qt
Dependencies        : zlib mesalib xcb-util-wm xcb-util-image harfbuzz
                      libstdc++ libgcc libxcb libinput cups libglvnd libicu
                      systemd pcre2 xcb-util-keysyms libxi glibc fontconfig
                      gdk-pixbuf libatk libpng libxext sqlite3 libdrm pango
                      libgtk-3 freetype2 libxkbcommon libjpeg-turbo dbus libx11
                      openssl libcairo libxrender xcb-util-renderutil glib2
Distribution        : Solus, Dist. Release: 1
Architecture        : x86_64, Installed Size: 26.42 MB
Reverse Dependencies: obs-studio qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-quickcontrols albert
                      qt5-webkit qt5-xmlpatterns qtstyleplugins qtkeychain
                      qt5-x11extras qt5-declarative qt5-sensors qt-creator
                      qt5-multimedia telegramqml qt5-base-devel cutegram
                      libqtelegram-ae qt5-tools qt5-webchannel qt5-location
➜ sudo eopkg info cutegram
Installed package:
Name                : cutegram, version: 2.7.1, release: 8
Summary             : Cutegram is a telegram client by Aseman Land.
Description         : Cutegram is a telegram client by Aseman Land.
Licenses            : GPL-3.0
Component           :
Dependencies        : qt5-declarative qt5-base qt5-webkit glibc qtkeychain
                      libstdc++ qt5-multimedia libgcc telegramqml
                      libqtelegram-ae qt5-graphicaleffects qt5-quickcontrols 
Distribution        : Solus, Dist. Release: 1
Architecture        : x86_64, Installed Size: 17.44 MB
Reverse Dependencies: 


bigodel commented 6 years ago

Same here, I'm on Void Linux.

albjeremias commented 6 years ago

same on archlinux