AsgardCms / Platform

A modular multilingual CMS built with Laravel 5.
MIT License
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Cannot read property 'split' of undefined #615

Closed karneaud closed 5 years ago

karneaud commented 5 years ago

Summary of issue

Cannot display permissions tab in Admin/ backend for a User Role

Steps to reproduce

1) Select A User or User Role 2) Select the permissions tab

app.js:1312 [Vue warn]: Error in render: "TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined"

found in

---> at Modules/User/Assets/js/components/AsgardPermissions.vue

at Modules/User/Assets/js/components/RoleForm.vue warn @ app.js:1312 logError @ app.js:2445 globalHandleError @ app.js:2440 handleError @ app.js:2429 Vue._render @ app.js:5208 updateComponent @ app.js:3497 get @ app.js:3847 run @ app.js:3924 flushSchedulerQueue @ app.js:3686 (anonymous) @ app.js:2545 flushCallbacks @ app.js:2466 Promise.then (async) microTimerFunc @ app.js:2514 nextTick @ app.js:2558 queueWatcher @ app.js:3773 update @ app.js:3914 notify @ app.js:1418 reactiveSetter @ app.js:1743 proxySetter @ app.js:4005 (anonymous) @ app.js:112509 Promise.then (async) fetchPermissions @ app.js:112507 boundFn @ app.js:925 mounted @ app.js:112521 callHook @ app.js:3627 insert @ app.js:4822 invokeInsertHook @ app.js:6596 patch @ app.js:6815 Vue._update @ app.js:3369 updateComponent @ app.js:3497 get @ app.js:3847 Watcher @ app.js:3836 mountComponent @ app.js:3504 Vue$3.$mount @ app.js:9161 Vue$3.$mount @ app.js:11522 Vue._init @ app.js:5302 Vue$3 @ app.js:5391 (anonymous) @ app.js:49652 __webpack_require__ @ app.js:20 (anonymous) @ app.js:49552 __webpack_require__ @ app.js:20 (anonymous) @ app.js:63 (anonymous) @ app.js:66 app.js:2449 TypeError: Cannot read property 'split' of undefined at VueComponent.trans (app.js:115822) at VueComponent.boundFn [as trans] (app.js:924) at VueComponent.parseTranslation (app.js:112485) at Proxy.boundFn (app.js:924) at app.js:112770 at Proxy.renderList (app.js:4404) at app.js:112750 at Proxy.renderList (app.js:4416) at app.js:112655 at Proxy.renderList (app.js:4416) logError @ app.js:2449 globalHandleError @ app.js:2440 handleError @ app.js:2429 Vue._render @ app.js:5208 updateComponent @ app.js:3497 get @ app.js:3847 run @ app.js:3924 flushSchedulerQueue @ app.js:3686 (anonymous) @ app.js:2545 flushCallbacks @ app.js:2466 Promise.then (async) microTimerFunc @ app.js:2514 nextTick @ app.js:2558 queueWatcher @ app.js:3773 update @ app.js:3914 notify @ app.js:1418 reactiveSetter @ app.js:1743 proxySetter @ app.js:4005 (anonymous) @ app.js:112509 Promise.then (async) fetchPermissions @ app.js:112507 boundFn @ app.js:925 mounted @ app.js:112521 callHook @ app.js:3627 insert @ app.js:4822 invokeInsertHook @ app.js:6596 patch @ app.js:6815 Vue._update @ app.js:3369 updateComponent @ app.js:3497 get @ app.js:3847 Watcher @ app.js:3836 mountComponent @ app.js:3504 Vue$3.$mount @ app.js:9161 Vue$3.$mount @ app.js:11522 Vue._init @ app.js:5302 Vue$3 @ app.js:5391 (anonymous) @ app.js:49652 __webpack_require__ @ app.js:20 (anonymous) @ app.js:49552 __webpack_require__ @ app.js:20 (anonymous) @ app.js:63 (anonymous) @ app.js:66

System Details

ChristianGiupponi commented 5 years ago

Did you run npm run dev?

karneaud commented 5 years ago

@ChristianGiupponi Did not think I had to should I be doing this on install? Where should I be running it? Themes? or root?

ChristianGiupponi commented 5 years ago

Do not remember if is necessary after the install, run it in the root

karneaud commented 5 years ago

@ChristianGiupponi if I installed this in production mode could this have caused the error?

ChristianGiupponi commented 5 years ago

Maybe, really never happened that issue so I have no clue. You can also run npm run production if the site is already in production. Did it solve the problem?

karneaud commented 5 years ago

@ChristianGiupponi well I have to npm install first before I npm run anything

ChristianGiupponi commented 5 years ago

yes sure

nWidart commented 5 years ago

Could you try using 4.0.x-dev version on a new install?

karneaud commented 5 years ago

@nWidart can't I need PHP7.0.*

karneaud commented 5 years ago

@ChristianGiupponi tried your suggestion. Did not work

karneaud commented 5 years ago

@nWidart is there anyway to fix this without bumping up to 4?

karneaud commented 5 years ago

What's the difference with running npm run production in the root rather than in the AdminLTE theme?

karneaud commented 5 years ago

The line in questions seems to come from

var array = string.split(".")

mikemand commented 5 years ago

Line number and file name? It might help narrow down where the error is generated.

karneaud commented 5 years ago

It could be here

Would it help to say that I am not using Translations? Can I disable it?

mikemand commented 5 years ago

In this case, translations is referring to Laravel's way of translating a string (say, into human-readable text (e.g.: Blog Post). As far as I'm aware, there isn't any way to disable them, since it is built into the framework.

In your module's service provider, do you have something like this:

 * Register the service provider.
 * @return void
public function register()
    // ...
    $this->app->make('events')->listen(LoadingBackendTranslations::class, function (LoadingBackendTranslations $event) {
    // ...

public function boot()
    // ...
    $this->publishConfig('blog', 'config');
    $this->publishConfig('blog', 'permissions');
    // ...

If you're using translated strings inside your permissions config, you will need to also load the translations into the BackendTranslations event:

$this->app->make('events')->listen(LoadingBackendTranslations::class, function (LoadingBackendTranslations $event) {
    $event->load('posts', array_dot(trans('blog::posts')));

This tells Asgard to load the translations from /Modules/Blog/Resources/lang/{your-lang}/posts.php.

karneaud commented 5 years ago

Apparently something was being passed as "undefined" in the code I mentioned. I just hacked it and it was resolved. You guys need to update it I guess.

nWidart commented 5 years ago

What did you hack?