Using the command:
php artisan asgard:entity:scaffold generates an entity but stops abruptly at the middle. I tried the command but it doesn't seem to work. The entity class and interface in the Repositories directory are created, but it doesn't go further than that.
I tried checking the folder permissions, plus clearing the cache and config. None of it seemed to work. I manually created the Cache/CacheCrDecorator but then I got this error:
Steps to reproduce
System Details
Windows - Operating System
7.4 - PHP Version
5.5 - Laravel Version
3.0 - Asgardcms/Platform version
Summary of issue
Using the command: php artisan asgard:entity:scaffold generates an entity but stops abruptly at the middle. I tried the command but it doesn't seem to work. The entity class and interface in the Repositories directory are created, but it doesn't go further than that.
I tried checking the folder permissions, plus clearing the cache and config. None of it seemed to work. I manually created the Cache/CacheCrDecorator but then I got this error:
Steps to reproduce
System Details
Windows - Operating System 7.4 - PHP Version 5.5 - Laravel Version 3.0 -