The REV variable identifies which version of Spigot to run. If this variable
is unset, the init script sets it to "latest". If the variable is set to
"latest", the jar file is rebuilt every time the container is started. If
the variable is set to a version like "1.12", that particular version is built
only if it has not already been built. This saves time on restart and makes
upgrades easy.
Part of making this work involved fixing the outstanding issue with
the Alpine image running as root.
The REV variable identifies which version of Spigot to run. If this variable is unset, the init script sets it to "latest". If the variable is set to "latest", the jar file is rebuilt every time the container is started. If the variable is set to a version like "1.12", that particular version is built only if it has not already been built. This saves time on restart and makes upgrades easy.
Part of making this work involved fixing the outstanding issue with the Alpine image running as root.