Ashen-MG / web-app-for-3d-processing

Web Application for 3D data Conversion, Processing, and Visualization. Backend is mainly built with Python, Flask, and Open3D. Frontend is mainly built with Typescript, React, and Three.js.
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Show colors/materials saved within 3D model #30

Open Ashen-MG opened 2 years ago

Ashen-MG commented 2 years ago

Currently we're using PointsMaterial with color="white" and size=0.12 for point clouds and matcap texture for meshes. However, xyzrgb is storing RGB colors (they be accessed with geometry.attributes.color). Unfortunately, the colors might be in the wrong format, so there must be some additional checks. pcd can store Material and Material[]. PLYLoader is only returning BufferGeometry, but ply is capable of storing materials so there needs to be additional research.