AshesOfOwls / jquery.shapeshift

A dynamic grid system with drag and drop functionality.
MIT License
1.67k stars 311 forks source link

3.0 Todo #58

Open AshesOfOwls opened 11 years ago

AshesOfOwls commented 11 years ago

If I get the time:

jackmarketon commented 11 years ago

What are you planning for autogutter/better padding? I could assist with this.

Also as a suggustion for #30, I'd just force the element to max-width container element so colspan == column count.

AshesOfOwls commented 11 years ago

That's actually the step I have been currently working on but definitely am having some issues with. I am going to make some progress today and push up to the branch and I'll let you know when I do that, I would love any assistance.

As for #30 if I understand you correctly then the elements would change width if it was larger than the container. I am trying to stay away from changing the actual width of elements because the plugin is already a little laggy when dealing with a lot of items and I feel like having to continuously check for large elements and then setting their width is adding a lot of complexity. It also requires that all elements are designed to be responsive which may not be appropriate for certain situations.

I took a look at what the other layout plugins are doing such as Isotope and it seems they just keep the element the same width but have overflow: hidden on the parent container to prevent any weird clipping.

Maybe there is a possibility to have that functionality as the default behavior and then take your suggestion and enable it with an option for people looking for highly responsive designs.

jackmarketon commented 11 years ago

Let me know, I think looking towards responsive style setup would make autogutter/padding better.

30, understandable, but damn I do hate overflow hidden...

AshesOfOwls commented 11 years ago

Yeah overflow sucks. Re-reading your comment I'm wondering if I didn't get it at first. It would definitely be plausible to set the max-width of the container to match the largest span item which would then force a horizontal scroll bar but that might be better off than overflow.

jackmarketon commented 11 years ago

Oh no, I meant set the max-width of the span element to 100% (or width to 100%), although it requires responsive implementation to work well...

AshesOfOwls commented 11 years ago

Ok I pushed up the changes to 3.0. The coding is a bit iffy but there are a lot of different situations to handle with this. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions!

bazzooka commented 10 years ago

I tried to make it compatible with IE8 the only thing to do is to add a polyfill for I recommand to you to use this polyfill :

You'll have a little things to do on CSS but it's easy. For me the drag and drop is not enought performant :(

RobbeR commented 10 years ago

Any solution of #67 ? Thanks in advance

pedrocruz27 commented 6 years ago

Has someone found a solution for #67?