AshesOfOwls / jquery.shapeshift

A dynamic grid system with drag and drop functionality.
MIT License
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when display none applied doesn't slidearound #76

Open oceatoon opened 10 years ago

oceatoon commented 10 years ago

Hi is there a way when hidding (display:none) an element of a grid to the rest is slide into the gap ? is it possible to move that hidden element in last position ? like a drag drop ? This way others will reposition properly and there will be no gap

Thanks Tibor

oceatoon commented 10 years ago

please add the code connected to the filter buttons I cannot find it , i think my answer lies their :) Thanks Tibor

justinkneff commented 10 years ago

One way to fill in the gap is to call the shuffle event afterwards: $(".ss-container").trigger("ss-shuffle") or $(".ss-container").trigger("ss-rearrange") where '.ss-container' is the class you defined for shapeshift. So it would look something like this function HideTarget(targetId){ //other events you determine need to occur. $('#' + targetId).css('display', 'none'); $(".ss-container").trigger("ss-shuffle") }

Edit: I changed to use the API function calls

oceatoon commented 10 years ago

hmm it seem to work that way I'm first hiding some elements then applying your triggers this doesn't fill the empty spaces , like the Hide Random works on the demo do you have the code behind that ?

justinkneff commented 10 years ago

You may have another problem not related to shapeshift with the way you have your elements designed. If you view source on the page(IE is F12 > Script > view.js, FireFox Shift + F2 > Debugger > view.js) You can see it users ss-rearrange. if(val === "hide") { $container.children(":visible").sort(function() { return Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5; }).first().hide(); } else { $container.children(":hidden").sort(function() { return Math.round(Math.random()) - 0.5; }).first().show(); }

oceatoon commented 10 years ago

my html is fairly simple and straight forward

div id="grid" div class="people type1">ELem div class="people type1">ELem div class="people type2">ELem .... /div

function filterType(type,color){ $(".people ").hide(); $("."+type).show();


} But I still get strange behaviors it's not perfect as the demo