Ashinch / ReadYou

An Android RSS reader presented in Material You style.
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.31k stars 179 forks source link

Add starter rss pack #752

Open but-whythough opened 2 weeks ago

but-whythough commented 2 weeks ago

1. Environment

2. Describe the feature request

I think it would help new users to have some default lists to start with, I have used

to get a few feeds to start with and either linking to pages like that or just having those lists as a one click option to add would be a nice feature

Love the app!

JunkFood02 commented 2 weeks ago

Our user base speaks many languages and has varied interests, providing some built-in feeds (English, US-centric, or otherwise) doesn't seem like a good cultural diversity story

But I agree that the app is somewhat difficult to start with for those new to RSS. Maybe we could recommend users search for "RSS starter packs" online by themselves in user onboarding or somewhere

shuvashish76 commented 2 weeks ago

new users to have some default lists to start with

I don't like having default lists hard coded on the app. People use RSS for various reasons, giving them specific topic RSS makes a bad 1st impression IMO. e.g. Somebody read only news or science related topics but by default app gives anime or gaming RSS. Yes you could remove the defaults but well it doesn't feel right. Why promote some sites by default anyway?

the app is somewhat difficult to start with for those new to RSS

I think those who download an RSS app are expected to know about RSS...yes it's little bit difficult due to #626 (since most RSS readers support such feature)

Maybe we could recommend users search for "RSS starter packs" online by themselves in user onboarding or somewhere

Maybe add "starter pack" (sites) collection list to GitHub wiki or user created packs on GitHub discussion thread. And just hyperlink that on app onboarding, Tips & support of the app.