Ashinch / ReadYou

An Android RSS reader presented in Material You style.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Enforce Unit Tests on Every Pull Request #783

Closed Ashinch closed 3 days ago

Ashinch commented 3 days ago


To maintain code quality and ensure that new features and bug fixes do not introduce regressions, we need to enforce unit tests for every pull request. Each pull request should include sufficient unit tests covering new and modified code.


  1. Configure the repository to run unit tests automatically for every PR.
  2. Ensure that the PR cannot be merged until all tests pass.

Steps to Implement

  1. Create a GitHub Actions workflow that runs on every pull request.
  2. The workflow should include a step to run the ./gradlew test command.
  3. Set up the workflow to block merging if the tests fail.

Additional Information

Good First Issue

This is a great issue for new contributors to get familiar with GitHub Actions and Gradle.