Ashinch / ReadYou

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ci: Enforce unit tests on every pull request #784

Closed brenoepics closed 3 days ago

brenoepics commented 3 days ago

Related to #783

Adds a new GitHub Actions workflow to enforce unit tests on every pull request to the main branch.

brenoepics commented 3 days ago

@Ashinch : Each pull request should include sufficient unit tests covering new and modified code.

This would be a little more complicated, I can't do it in an action without some external action/plugin, I think it's better to discuss this, have you considered SonarCloud, CodeCov or Qodana...? They have free options for open source projects.

example from another repository of mine: image

Or just checking that the tests didn't fail is ok?

Ashinch commented 3 days ago

Hi, @brenoepics

Thank you for your work on this! For now, we just need to ensure that the unit tests are executed. I am currently working on increasing the test coverage of our infrastructure. “Sufficient unit tests covering” is more of an expectation rather than a mandatory requirement at the moment.