Ashley1014 / qualtrics

The Javascript code to automate user selection behavior for a research on Qualtrics.
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Console Log Question Label #3

Closed aunarang closed 1 year ago

aunarang commented 1 year ago


I don't see the QID next to each console log output. Can you add that, or even better, the question label (e.g. "R1_mpl" not QIDXX) into the console log output (e.g. . I also have just enabled the question labels to show up when taking/previewing the survey?

e.g. "R1_mpl: lower bound wtp is $12".

Ashley1014 commented 1 year ago

that's weird because I think I already have a console log to print the question label. It's just they are in separate lines as the WTP bounds.

Ashley1014 commented 1 year ago