AshleyHow / WindowsOSBuild

Windows patch release information (Version, Build, Availability date, Hotpatch, Preview, Out-of-band, Servicing option, KB article, KB URL and Catalog URL) for Windows client and server versions. Useful for scripting and automation purposes. Supports Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 onwards. Supports Hotpatch on Windows Server 2022 Azure Edition.
MIT License
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Update Get-LatestOSBuild.ps1 #23

Closed AuMoulinon closed 1 year ago

AuMoulinon commented 1 year ago

By casting OSBuild as [System.Version] sorting by OSBuild (Line 152) actually works. Without this change currently 20348.887 is output as the latest build of Windows Server 2022, which is wrong.