AshleyMoni / Lancer-Community-Edition

Lancer - Community Edition
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[RAI] Long Rim: Caliban Wrecking Ball Trait Clarification #909

Open KaiTave opened 3 years ago

KaiTave commented 3 years ago

The Problem: The Caliban's Wrecking Ball trait currently reads:

"The Caliban counts as SIZE 3 when inflicting KNOCKBACK with any RAM or ranged or melee attack."

The discrepancy here is that the trait does not actually allow the Caliban to ram larger targets, at least in the sense that other mechs and systems such as Synthetic Muscle Netting or the Atlas do. The intent is that the Caliban can do so, but wording-wise the trait only allows it to count as larger for the purpose of knockback, not to ram larger targets in the first place. It's a case where the RAW and RAI are at odds.

The Solution: The trait should probably be reworded along these lines:

"The Caliban can ram larger targets and counts as SIZE 3 when inflicting KNOCKBACK with any ranged or melee attack."

The Location: Long Rim, page 47