AshleyMoni / Lancer-Community-Edition

Lancer - Community Edition
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[Errata] Trueblack Aegis should preclude free actions #945

Open perijove opened 3 years ago

perijove commented 3 years ago

The Problem: The Napoleon's Trueblack aegis does not preclude the use of non-System free actions, such as firing an autogun. Tom has stated that this is not the intent.

The Solution: The third bullet point of the Activate Aegis core power should be changed as follows: can’t take quick actions, full actions, or reactions, any actions except for standard moves, GRAPPLE, RAM, IMPROVISED ATTACK, ACTIVATE (SHIELD systems only), SKILL CHECK, and BOOST

The Location: Page 238, "Activate Aegis"

The Ratification: Statement from Tom, 8 June 2021, #rules-discussion channel

lenaleciel commented 1 year ago

Clarification on allowing or disallowing tech actions with the Shield tag would also be helpful.