AshleyYakeley / Truth

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Work with web services #11

Open AshleyYakeley opened 5 years ago

AshleyYakeley commented 5 years ago

Work with web services in an appropriately typed way.

Stick with REST services via JSON. Probably want to use servant-client. Discussion.

Example services:

Figure out some kind of housekeeping for authentication.

AshleyYakeley commented 4 years ago

Maybe use RAML? Spec Haskell packages:

AshleyYakeley commented 4 years ago

Maybe use Swagger?

AshleyYakeley commented 1 year ago

Probably want to automatically generate types and properties (lenses?) via some kind of special import statement.

Needs a way of viewing documentation, though.

AshleyYakeley commented 1 year ago

Should be able to seamlessly mix data from different sources, including local storage.

AshleyYakeley commented 1 year ago

May need support for these data formats:

AshleyYakeley commented 2 months ago

SwaggerHub has user-submitted swagger documents for various services. For example, CoinMarketCap.