Askaniy / TrueColorTools

GUI application for calculating human-visible colors of celestial bodies from their photometric data
MIT License
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Add spectra for most missing visited asteroids; misc. edits and fixes #31

Closed pedro-fixingstuff closed 11 months ago

pedro-fixingstuff commented 11 months ago

Includes 951 Gaspra, 243 Ida, 253 Mathilde, 9969 Braille, 2867 Steins (from color indices), 21 Lutetia, 4179 Toutatis and 65803 Didymos; and corresponding filters for some of the albedo measurements. This should cover all asteroids visited at close range by spacecraft, except for 5535 Annefrank, which has no published spectra AFAIK.

A few albedos for other bodies are updated as well, and NEO tags have been assigned for some objects tagged as 'main belt'.