AsoDesu / IslandUtils

A client-side utility mod for MCC Island
MIT License
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Remove the Silver counter #105

Closed 1unar-Eclipse closed 8 months ago

1unar-Eclipse commented 8 months ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Now that Silver is gone, the counter is pretty worthless (could be easily repurposed for Royal Reputation though)

Describe the solution you'd like Simply removing the counter makes most sense.

Describe alternatives you've considered Hovering over the Confirm button could give what you'll get from the current scavenging.

Additional context The Mastery update removed Silver and made more than just one thing obtainable from scavenging (namely Spirits).

AsoDesu commented 8 months ago

I've already fixed the silver counter and made it show the material dust and ticket counters instead, which will be pushed with the next update Showing all items you'll get from scavenging over the confirm button could be good for any items other than dust and tickets

AsoDesu commented 8 months ago

Fixed in 1.6.2