AsoDesu / IslandUtils

A client-side utility mod for MCC Island
MIT License
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Add BigRatMode discord presence #109

Closed Hoi15A closed 4 months ago

Hoi15A commented 6 months ago

This is essentially force disabling the rich presence on some non prod MCCI environments (but I added bigrat because its funny).

Server IPs are compared as SHA-256 hashes in order to not blatantly leak them, if the comparison fails then everything should just continue as before.

The first hash in the list e927084bb931f83eece6780afd9046f121a798bf3ff3c78a9399b08c1dfb1aec is for which is a way to test it on the main MCCI server (and intentionally enable it if you want to be funny) as MCCI accepts any subdomain and just redirects to prod.

lucyydotp commented 5 months ago

It'd be really cool if you could add 09445264a9c515c83fc5a0159bda82e25d70d499f80df4a2d1c2f7e2ae6af997 too please :)