AsoDesu / IslandUtils

A client-side utility mod for MCC Island
MIT License
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island utils playing wrong game music #118

Closed TheDirtyRowlet closed 3 months ago

TheDirtyRowlet commented 3 months ago

Describe the bug Island utils plays the wrong music or no music in games, such as BB music in SKB in the clip below

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour: Only thing I have is remote queuing SKB from BB, but idk if it is related

Expected behaviour I expected SKB music in SKB but got BB (still was a banger) Screenshots & Logs If applicable, add screenshots or log snippets to help explain your problem. System & Version Information (This can usually be found in the F3 Menu)

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here. Music playing can be inconsistent at times, sometimes does not play at all when enabled

AsoDesu commented 3 months ago

this is caused by the same issue as in #115