Asonyx / LCTarrotCard

Add the tarrot card from phasmophobia to lethal company
Apache License 2.0
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possible game hang caused by cards and jester #2

Open ShadowRocks2 opened 1 day ago

ShadowRocks2 commented 1 day ago

game keeps getting stuck going to a planet and this is the error i get

LCTarrotCard.Networker.PopOrSpawnJesterServerRpc (System.Single popDelay) (at <435b562d68c1460e9c1da4907176a91d>:IL_014E) LCTarrotCard.Networker.rpc_handler_900698346 (Unity.Netcode.NetworkBehaviour target, Unity.Netcode.FastBufferReader reader, Unity.Netcode.RpcParams rpcParams) (at <435b562d68c1460e9c1da4907176a91d>:IL_0049) Unity.Netcode.RpcMessageHelpers.Handle (Unity.Netcode.NetworkContext& context, Unity.Netcode.RpcMetadata& metadata, Unity.Netcode.FastBufferReader& payload, Unity.Netcode.__RpcParams& rpcParams) (at <895801699cfc4b4ab52267f31e2a4998>:IL_004E) Rethrow as Exception: Unhandled RPC exception! UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) Unity.Netcode.RpcMessageHelpers:Handle(NetworkContext&, RpcMetadata&, FastBufferReader&, RpcParams&) Unity.Netcode.ServerRpcMessage:Handle(NetworkContext&) Unity.Netcode.NetworkMessageManager:ReceiveMessage(FastBufferReader, NetworkContext&, NetworkMessageManager) Unity.Netcode.NetworkMessageManager:HandleMessage(NetworkMessageHeader&, FastBufferReader, UInt64, Single, Int32) Unity.Netcode.NetworkMessageManager:ProcessIncomingMessageQueue() Unity.Netcode.NetworkManager:NetworkUpdate(NetworkUpdateStage) Unity.Netcode.NetworkUpdateLoop:RunNetworkUpdateStage(NetworkUpdateStage) Unity.Netcode.<>c:b0_0()

Asonyx commented 1 day ago

Hi, could you send me little more, because I can hardly identify the problem with juste what you sent here. If you can please send me a screenshot of the console when the error happens (a screenshot of the full error stack trace) and the mods you use (a r2modman profile code is enough if you can). If you could send me this here or on discord (asonyx) I would appreciate it.

ShadowRocks2 commented 1 day ago

i can give you the log and code Code: 019233f2-56a0-9490-2660-95daaf4ceb5b Log: attached below My Log.txt

Asonyx commented 1 day ago

Ok thanks, I see now why it happened. I will patch it for the next update