AspectOfJerry / JerryBot

Discord bot for personal use. Built on Discordjs v13.
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Major username rework #130

Closed AspectOfJerry closed 1 year ago

AspectOfJerry commented 1 year ago

Major username rework! Discriminators will be completely gone.

The post can be found here:

Important information from the DDev guild:

After migration, developers will no longer be able to directly set bot usernames or bot icons. The bot user’s icon will always be the same as the App Icon. Bot usernames will be determined differently for verified and unverified apps:

  • Verified apps: Bot usernames will be determined by the Application Name. When an unverified app goes through the verification process, a username created from the Application Name will be given to the bot user.
  • Unverified apps: Bot usernames will be randomized for new and existing unverified apps. This does not affect the Application Name.

The Discord client will be updated to only display Application Names in most surfaces, including the bot profile and in the search interface. The client changes will allow all Discord apps, verified and unverified, to use their Application Name as the identity for their app (and bot) across Discord.

Identifying migrated users To keep clients backwards-compatible, users that are migrated to the new username system will have a single zero (#0) discriminator. This will not appear in the client, but will be in payloads your app receives. After the migration to the new username system is complete, the 0 discriminator will be removed.

AspectOfJerry commented 1 year ago

stale issue, progressive migration