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migrate to ts #141

Closed AspectOfJerry closed 5 months ago

AspectOfJerry commented 1 year ago

Describe your idea Use Typescript. Reserved for after v1.0.0

Additional context from good friend ChatGOT Transitioning to TypeScript can be a challenging task, especially when dealing with a large codebase. However, with careful planning and step-by-step migration, you can gradually adapt your codebase to TypeScript. Here are some additional tips to help you with the transition:

  1. Start small: Begin by converting small, self-contained modules or files to TypeScript. This approach allows you to understand the TypeScript syntax and tooling gradually and reduces the risk of introducing errors.

  2. Focus on critical areas: Prioritize converting critical or frequently used parts of your codebase. This ensures that the most important functionality is type-safe and benefits from the advantages of TypeScript.

  3. Take it one file at a time: Convert files one by one, rather than attempting to convert the entire codebase at once. This incremental approach allows you to test and validate each conversion step, making it easier to identify and fix any issues that may arise.

  4. Utilize TypeScript's any type: TypeScript provides the any type, which can be used as a fallback when you're unsure about the type of a particular variable. While it's recommended to use explicit types whenever possible, the any type can help you make progress with the migration while leaving room for future improvements.

  5. Leverage type inference: TypeScript's type inference capabilities can save you from explicitly annotating types in many cases. Let the compiler infer types when possible, and only specify types explicitly when needed for clarity or to enforce specific constraints.

  6. Use TypeScript type definitions: Take advantage of TypeScript's type definitions for external libraries. Many popular JavaScript libraries have corresponding TypeScript type definitions available via packages like @types/package-name. Installing these type definitions enables better type checking and IDE support for those libraries.

  7. Refactor as you go: Use the migration process as an opportunity to refactor and improve your codebase. Eliminate duplication, improve code organization, and apply best practices to enhance the overall quality of your code.

  8. Consult the TypeScript documentation: The official TypeScript documentation is an excellent resource that covers various topics and provides examples. Refer to it whenever you encounter a specific TypeScript feature or have questions about how to handle certain scenarios.

  9. Seek community support: Join online communities and forums dedicated to TypeScript, such as the TypeScript subreddit or the official TypeScript Discord server. These communities can provide guidance, answer your questions, and offer valuable insights from their own experiences with TypeScript.

Remember that transitioning to TypeScript is a gradual process, and it's normal to encounter challenges along the way. Take it step by step, be patient, and focus on the benefits TypeScript brings to your codebase in terms of type safety, tooling, and maintainability.