Aspirata / Mcblend

A useful tool for creating minecraft content in blender
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3D Items generator #23

Open ANONIM4IK3327 opened 2 weeks ago

ANONIM4IK3327 commented 2 weeks ago
  1. append GN_Auto Extrude to object image
  2. select Image texture and uv map
  3. for extrude click extrude and select extrusion value image
  4. for fix this use SN_UVFixer image image And done!

You can also use own vectors image assets

Aspirata commented 2 weeks ago

So, the script will check every resource pack and generate separate category (I should also add sub categories to UAS), if scan mode is set to manual scan, there'll be .png from array, if scan mode is set to automatic, then it'll display all .png files. Generating process: The script will spawn a plane > Add texture > Add UV Fixer > Add Auto Extruder > That's all

It's so simple, but also so hard