Aspsine / IRecyclerView

IRecyclerView is a custom RecyclerView that supports pull-to-refresh, pull-to-loadmore, customize refresh header and loadmore footer, add header views and footer views.
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请问我使用这个加了几个header之后,下拉出现卡顿是什么情况? #44

Open meikanfeng opened 6 years ago

meikanfeng commented 6 years ago

具体现象是当我下拉的时候, UI下滑一点只够不会跟随我的手指继续下滑, 明显的感觉卡在哪儿, 下拉之后手指松开, UI才会自己下滑到按照手指滑动应该到的位置,然后就是正常的下拉刷新的现象

Aspsine commented 6 years ago
