Asqatasun / Contrast-Finder

Contrast-Finder finds correct color contrasts (background / foreground) for web accessibility (a11y, WCAG, RGAA).
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Adding new configuration option for logging of colors result #185

Closed dzc34 closed 6 years ago

dzc34 commented 6 years ago

Observed behaviour

no logging of colors result

Expected behaviour

new configuration option ( loggingColorsResult) for logging of colors result :

Compact format

INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - config  defaultAlgorithm    : HSV
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - config  loggingColorsResult : compact
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - START|rgb(70,136,71)|#DFF0D8|4.5|HSV|false|374|40|3.61|END
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - START|rgb(70,136,71)|Red|4.5|HSV|false|838|57|1.08|END
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - START|rgb(70,136,71)|RebeccaPurple|4.5|HSV|false|811|40|1.95|END
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - START|rgb(70,136,71)|RebeccaPurple|4.5|Rgb|true|7259040|2|1.95|END

Full format

INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - config  defaultAlgorithm    : HSV
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - config  loggingColorsResult : full
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - ---------------------
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  TXT       : rgb(70,136,71)
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  BG        : #DFF0D8
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  ratio     : 4.5
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  algo      : HSV
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  BG tested : false
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - tested         : 374
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - result         : 40
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - ratio          : 3.61
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - ---------------------
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  TXT       : rgb(70,136,71)
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  BG        : Red
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  ratio     : 4.5
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  algo      : HSV
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  BG tested : false
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - tested         : 838
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - result         : 57
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - ratio          : 1.08
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - ---------------------
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  TXT       : rgb(70,136,71)
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  BG        : RebeccaPurple
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  ratio     : 4.5
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  algo      : HSV
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  BG tested : false
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - tested         : 811
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - result         : 40
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - ratio          : 1.95
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - ---------------------
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  TXT       : rgb(70,136,71)
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  BG        : RebeccaPurple
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  ratio     : 4.5
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  algo      : Rgb
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - get  BG tested : true
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - tested         : 7259040
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - result         : 2
INFO  o.a.c.w.controller.IndexController - ratio          : 1.95
dzc34 commented 6 years ago
# fulle format
./docker/ -d docker/SNAPSHOT-local/test_config-file/51.loggingColorsResult_full  -l --source-dir $(pwd) 
 docker logs -f  contrast.finder   

# compact format
./docker/ -d docker/SNAPSHOT-local/test_config-file/50.loggingColorsResult_compact  -l --source-dir $(pwd) 
 docker logs -f  contrast.finder