Asqatasun / Contrast-Finder

Contrast-Finder finds correct color contrasts (background / foreground) for web accessibility (a11y, WCAG, RGAA).
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
56 stars 18 forks source link

outdated dependencies #41

Closed dzc34 closed 7 years ago

dzc34 commented 7 years ago
    - commons-collections4 4.1
      instead of  commons-collections 3.2.2

    - commons-cli             1.4     instead of 1.2
    - commons-lang3           3.5     instead of 3.1
    - commons-logging         1.2     instead of 1.1.3
    - logback-classic         1.2.3   instead of 1.2.1
    - maven-dependency-plugin 3.0.0   instead of 2.1
    - maven-war-plugin        3.0.0   instead of 2.1.1
    - javaee-endorsed-api     7.0     instead of 6.0
    - javaee-web-api          7.0     instead of 6.0
    - junit                   4.12    instead of 3.8.2
    - cobertura-maven-plugin  2.7     instead of 2.5.1
    - httpclient              4.5.3   instead of 4.3.6
    - json                   20160810 instead of 20131018