AstarNetwork / astar-frame

Core frame modules for Astar & Shiden network.
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What's the difference between claim_staker and claim_dapp in DappsStaking.sol? #36

Closed LaceLetho closed 2 years ago

LaceLetho commented 2 years ago


I'm planing to utilize the DappStaking.sol to build a dAppStaking contract, but I'm confused about the difference of the two functions, would you mind have an explanation?


Dinonard commented 2 years ago


claim_staker will claim staker rewards for a single era (oldest one). claim_dapp will claim dapp rewards for the specified era.

You can find the source code of these functions here. We will make a more comprehensive documentation of the linked file soon.

LaceLetho commented 2 years ago

Got it, it's clearly explained in the source code.
