AstarVienna / METIS_Pipeline

The METIS Pipeline
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Make Python part ESO-compatible #48

Closed hugobuddel closed 1 month ago

hugobuddel commented 1 month ago

Supersedes #47

Move the Python files from the 'prototypes' directory into the proper locations:

Also add all required cmake and make files.

This is based on the iiinstrument-dev-pymodules branch.

The cmake files are configured such that only out-of-source builds are allowed. Use with something like

pip install schema
cmake -S metisp -B build/ --install-prefix=/tmp/wherever
make -C build
make -C build install
pyesorex --recipe-dir=/tmp/wherever/lib64/esopipes-plugins/ --recipes

should give you something like

[ INFO  ] pyesorex: This is PyEsoRex, version 1.0.1-alpha1.

     ***** ESO Recipe Execution Tool, Python version 1.0.1-alpha1 *****

List of available recipes:

  metis_det_lingain     : Measure detector non-linearity and gain
  metis_abstract_base   : Abstract-like base class for METIS recipes
  metis_ifu_calibrate   : Reduce raw science exposures of the IFU.
  metis_lm_basic_reduction: Basic science image data processing
  metis_n_img_flat      : Create master flat for N band detectors
  metis_lm_img_flat     : Create master flat for L/M band detectors
  metis_det_dark        : Create master dark
  metis_ifu_telluric    : Derive telluric absorption correction and optionally flux calibration
  metis_ifu_reduce      : Reduce raw science exposures of the IFU.