AstarVienna / METIS_Simulations

Scripts for simulating METIS with ScopeSim
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Implement more keywords, e.g from Hiro #49

Open hugobuddel opened 2 months ago

hugobuddel commented 2 months ago

We should add some more header keywords. Those keywords should not all be defined by us, but we need to keep track of them a bit, hence this issue.

Most of the actual keywords should go into the IRDB though, but it might be good to keep track of them here.

hugobuddel commented 2 months ago

Here is the list that Hiro mailed, which we can use as a starting point.

Dear Kieran,

Here is a list of fits-header keywords extracted from my data from Subaru, Keck, VLT and Gemini, plus some additional parameters I would want to see in the fits header if possible. Looking at the subject of your e-mail, I feel less convinced about whether these are what you really want for our discussion tomorrow. But I hope the information is useful for you & our METIS community sooner or later.

Thank you, Hiro

PROP-ID = 'o24128 ' / Proposal ID
OBSERVER= '"[H] Takami M., Otten [Z] Sai"'
OBJECT = 'GSS 26 '
OBS-MOD = 'IMAGING ' / Observation Mode
DATE-OBS= '2024-04-20' / UT date of Observation (yyyy-mm-dd)
EXPTIME = 1.00 / Total integration time of a frame(sec) -> perhaps "DIT for ESO
TIMESYS = 'UTC ' / Time system used in this header
UT1-UTC = 0.05400 / Difference between UT1 and UTC
HST = '00:23:33.82' / Start exposure at HST (HH:MM:SS.SS) -> Local time at the observatory
UT-STR = '10:23:33.82' / Start Exposure at UTC (HH:MM:SS.SS)
UT = '10:23:34.82' / Typical UTC at exposure (HH:MM:SS.SS)
UT-END = '10:23:35.64' / End Exposure at UTC (HH:MM:SS.SS)
NDR = 2 / Number of Non-Destructive Reads
COADD = 1 / Number of Coadds -> perhaps "NDIT" for ESO
DET-TMP = 28.01 / Detector Temperature
DET-NSMP= 2 / Number of Non-Destructive Reads
EQUINOX = 2000.000 / Standard FK5 (years)
RA2000 = '13:50:07.275' / HH:MM:SS.SSS RA (J2000) pointing
DEC2000 = '-40:50:03.59' / +/-DD:MM:SS.SS DEC (J2000) pointing
AZIMUTH = 181.31887 / Azimuth angle of telescope pointing
ALTITUDE= 29.19827 / Altitude angle of telescope pointing
CRPIX1 = 512.5 / Reference pixel in X (pixel)
CRPIX2 = 512.5 / Reference pixel in Y (pixel)
CRVAL1 = 207.53031250 / RA (dg) of CRPIX1 reference pixel X
CRVAL2 = -40.83433056 / DEC (dg) of CRPIX2 reference pixel Y
CDELT1 = 0.00001456 / X Scale projected on detector (dg/pixel)
CDELT2 = 0.00001456 / Y Scale projected on detector (dg/pixel)
CUNIT1 = 'degree ' / CRVAL1 units
CUNIT2 = 'degree ' / CRVAL2 units
AIRMASS = 2.044 / Averaged Air Mass
AMSTART = 1.076 / Airmass at start of exposure
AMEND = 1.075 / Airmass at end of exposure
INSROT = 182.336 / Instrument rotator angle
INST-PA = -45.000 / Instrument rotator position angle
FILTER01= 'OPEN:1 ' / First filter element
FILTER02= 'K ' / Second filter element
FILTER03= 'OPEN:1 ' / Third filter element
GAIN = 5.600 / AD conversion factor (electron/ADU)
D_ENSHUT= 'OPEN ' / Entrance shutter position (OPEN,CLOSE)
D_CLD1 = 'OFF ' / CAL LD 655nm (ON,OFF)
D_CLD2 = 'OFF ' / CAL LD 1550nm (ON,OFF)
D_CLD3 = 'OFF ' / CAL LD 589nm (ON,OFF)

((( Observing Conditions ))) REQIQ = '70-percentile' / Requested Image Quality
REQCC = '70-percentile' / Requested Cloud Cover
Water vapor

Could we possibly record approximate sky transparency measured in K-band? We need the detector count for the wavefront sensor, and the 2MASS magnitude of the guide star

((( Adaptive Optics ))) AOARA = 76.95652083 / RA of AOWFS guide star AOADEC = 30.40143056 / Declination of AOWFS guide star D_VMFREQ= 1000.0 / VM frequency (Hz)
_APDTI = -99.90 / APD coolant inlet temperature (degC)
D_APDTO = -99.90 / APD coolant outlet temperature (degC)
WCDTSTAT= 'CLOSED_APD' / Status of down tt loop
WCDMSTAT= 'CLOSED ' / Status of DM loop
WCUTSTAT= 'CLOSED ' / Status of utt loop

pupil mask HIERARCH CORE_FWHM = 0.1066852887521957 / Mean core FWHM (arcsec) Strehl ratio

(((Optics, Others))) coronagraph mode

D_SADC = 'OUT ' / SciPath ADC position (IN, OUT)
D_SADCST= 'ASYNC ' / SciPath ADC tracking status
D_SADCMD= 'ADI ' / SciPath ADC tracking mode

(((Others for imaging))) offset for dithering

(((Spectroscopy))) CRPIX3 = 1101. / Reference pixel in z
CRVAL3 = 1.649941095056118 / central wavelength
CDELT3 = 0.000195000000530854 / microns per pixel

type of slit slit/IFU orientation