AsteroidOS / starship

SailfishOS synchronization app for AsteroidOS.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Conflicting name in OpenRepos #16

Closed direc85 closed 2 years ago

direc85 commented 2 years ago


Now that Sailfish OS has been released, and we are inching closer to an actual release that could reach OpenRepos, there unfortunately already exists an application called Starfish (harbour-starfish). I reckon we have to change the name to something else.

My initial proposition is Watchfish (harbour-watchfish) as there exists libwatchfish for SailfishOS in the repository already, so it would fit the naming nicely.

FlorentRevest commented 2 years ago

libwatchfish is actually not asteroid-specific. It is an open-source component we re-use from another developer I'd rather not steal their name :)

I'm not good at naming things but here are a few other proposals: (please, anyone reading this propose idea or vote so that we can decide on the best option later) around the theme of sailing and astronomy (luckily celestial bodies were used to navigate at night for centuries so I used this as an inspiration):

The Ubuntu Touch client is named Telescope and I like the analogy that it is used to look at an asteroid (watch) :)

Please let me know if you have preferences.

direc85 commented 2 years ago

Well in that case, better not cause confusion with watchfish and libwatchfish!

I immediately liked Astrarium due to its resemblance of Asteroid, but...

Telescope sure works well for the purpose! After a quick search I found Aquascope (pic) which would continue that trend nicely!

Also, the name doesn't have to end in a "-fish"! (My personal opinion is that there are too many fishes in the package names already...)

jrtberlin commented 2 years ago

We could name it "Starship". A ship to sail space :D

FlorentRevest commented 2 years ago

Aquascope would work quite well as a parallel to telescope but I wonder what we would be left with for a potential KDE mobile client :p

I think I prefer starship. It also has a nerdy connotation which is appropriate :)

direc85 commented 2 years ago

I'd prefer Aquascope, but I can't deny the coolness factor of Starship!

jrtberlin commented 2 years ago

I think Starship is more inline with our general space theme and we don't run out of names for plasma mobile and ios.

GeoffTearle commented 2 years ago

+1 for Starship!

Am2per commented 2 years ago

Astrofish? and also +1 for Starship!

haelge commented 2 years ago

What about "Periscope"? It's like the other way round, observing sth. from underwater. However it is somewhat related to warships.

Another idea would be "Neptune". A bigger celestial object than an asteroid.

Giuseppe Piazzi discovered the asteroid ceres. Possible Nicknames could be "Pino", "Beppe" or "Peppino"

"Kuiper" as in kuiper belt, a circumstellar disc similar to the asteroid belt.

And last but not least, to go full nerd: "Mediator" someone who manages the communication and interaction between two parties AND the name of a mon calamari star cruiser developed by the mon calamari, an amphibic life form in star wars.

ncartron commented 2 years ago

Periscope makes me think about the (now dead?) Twitter's live video service.

I like both Telescope and Aquascope

robthebold commented 2 years ago

I do love most of these names, but the idea just stuck me: "Vela". It's a Southern sky constellation and Latin for "sail".

haelge commented 2 years ago

I like "Vela". I'd generaly prefer a rather short name, that has an association to an astronomic and naval theme but without these something-fish or sail-something. patterns.