AstraExt / astra-monitor

Resource Monitor for GNOME shell
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Extension crashes after upgrading to v26 #94

Closed nicocarbone closed 3 months ago

nicocarbone commented 3 months ago

Astra just upgraded and now it doesn't load in my Ubuntu 23.10 install. The extension manager says that the error is "Object 0x2f04cc7943e8 is not a subclass of GObject_Boxed, it's a Object".

See attached screenshot. Captura desde 2024-03-26 18-02-42

ljuzig commented 3 months ago

I need more details. Try to run apt show gnome-shell to check what's your exact gnome shell version. Also the details on that error could help a lot. Last but not least, could you provide the journalctl log of that crash? Thank you!

SSDGADsss commented 3 months ago

I have a same question on gnome 45.5, Here is my log when i install this extension This question happened when I update my Astra extension

Extension TypeError: Object 0x18906129e330 is not a subclass of GObject_Boxed, it's a Object

                                             Stack trace:

My system environment : gnome 45.4 manjaro wayland

I need more details. Try to run apt show gnome-shell to check what's your exact gnome shell version. Also the details on that error could help a lot. Last but not least, could you provide the journalctl log of that crash? Thank you!

ljuzig commented 3 months ago

I'm currently away from my PC, if someone could try to insert this line to /utils/utils.js line number 33

        else if (type === 'json')
            Config.settings.set_string(key, JSON.stringify(value));

the result should be like this

        else if (type === 'number')
            Config.settings.set_double(key, value);
        else if (type === 'json')
            Config.settings.set_string(key, JSON.stringify(value));
            Config.settings.set_value(key, value);

you should find the extension folder inside this path: ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions

if someone of you is able to change that and confirm it's not crashing anymore I'm gonna issue a new release as soon as I can put my hands on my PC.

Thank you!

nicocarbone commented 3 months ago

Sorry if I am doing something wrong, but I no see a utils folder in my extension folder: Captura desde 2024-03-27 10-41-29

nicocarbone commented 3 months ago

This is the full stack trace:

`The settings of extension had an error:

TypeError: Object 0x372b0d20ec60 is not a subclass of GObject_Boxed, it's a Object

Stack trace:



ljuzig commented 3 months ago

Thank you everyone for reporting this, I was able to reproduce the bug, the issue was indeed the line I suggested to add:

        else if (type === 'json')
            Config.settings.set_string(key, JSON.stringify(value));

Wait for to approve it or manually add the line above.

@nicocarbone the file is inside src/utils/utils.js (line number 33), i forgot to mention src folder before, sorry!

Another way to temporarily solve this issue is to manually delete the key /org/gnome/shell/extensions/astra-monitor/processor-menu-gpu if you have dconf editor or you are practical with dconf/gsettings. note: you'll have to manually set your GPU in Astra Monitor settings after this.

EDIT: The update is live on so you should be able to update to the bugfree version already.