AstraZeneca-NGS / VarDictJava

VarDict Java port
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-L option for <DUP> structural variants #328

Open NEOGrok opened 3 years ago

NEOGrok commented 3 years ago


We're trying to detect an FLT3 ITD using Vardict, and it does detect it, but I'm not sure why it reports the ALT as \<DUP> given that the ITD length is reported as 285 and the default for the -L option is 1000. I've tried setting it to different values but it doesn't change the output. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? I've read in a different issue that some aspects of duplicate detection aren't supported yet. Does it include this?

The command I'm running is

vardict-java \
-N Horizon \
-b Horizon.bam \
-r 1 \
-R 13:28033800-28033950 \
| teststrandbias.R \
| -N tumor -E -f 0.01 \
| awk '{if ($1 ~ /^#/) print; else if ($4 != $5) print}' > Horizon-CMP001.vcf

and the called variant from the VCF file is

13      28033909        .       C       <DUP>   204     PASS    SAMPLE=tumor;TYPE=DUP;DP=884;VD=61;AF=0.069;BIAS=2:2;REFBIAS=485:279;VARBIAS=32:29;PMEAN=30.5;PSTD=1;QUAL=34.5;QSTD=1;SBF=0.09889;ODDRATIO=1.57441;MQ=60;SN=122;HIAF=0.0833;ADJAF=0.069;SHIFT3=0;MSI=0;MSILEN=0;NM=0.1;HICNT=61;HICOV=732;LSEQ=TTCAGCATTTTGACGGCAAC;RSEQ=TGGCTTTCATACCTAAATTG;DUPRATE=0;SVTYPE=DUP;SVLEN=285;SPLITREAD=32;SPANPAIR=29 GT:DP:VD:AD:AF:RD:ALD   0/1:884:61:764,61:0.069:485,279:32,29

Thank you, Francisc

PolinaBevad commented 3 years ago

Hello Francisc, For DUPs we also have another strategy to find them with flanking sequences length, so this option will not change the situation (the variant will be recognized as DUP anyway). It is the only one exclusion, INV/DEL will always use the -L threshold.

Montana commented 3 years ago

This will be using the -L threshold.