AstraZeneca-NGS / VarDictJava

VarDict Java port
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call a vaiant without chr and position, just the following info #360

Open asmlgkj opened 2 years ago

asmlgkj commented 2 years ago

AGAAGCCTCTACAAGTGAG GT:DP:VD:ALD:RD:AD:AF:BIAS:PMEAN:PSTD:QUAL:QSTD:SBF:ODDRATIO:MQ:SN:HIAF:ADJAF:NM 0/0:332:2:1,1:161,169:330,2:0.006:2,2:17:0:38:0:1:1.05:60:4:0.0061:0:1 0/0:283:3:3,0:133,145:278,3:0.0106:2,0:53:1:7.7:1:0.11208:0:60:0:0:0:3.7

PolinaBevad commented 2 years ago

Hi @asmlgkj , Wow, that's strange... Do you have a minimal example to reproduce this?

asmlgkj commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot, it has been a long time to see you again, is everything ok with you, all vardict users miss you aso much. I think it was mainly because the sample had too many variants, it has nearly 500, 000 variants, and I ran a long time without ending, then I killed the process, and ran the same command again, this maybe the reason, in fact the file also has the repeated line apart from incomplete line. I have used --nosv, and set -th 16. the input file is not 300M(umi tumor) vs 600M (dedup normal)

is there any measures to speed up?

PolinaBevad commented 2 years ago

Thanks! Everything is fine, just there are many other projects, sorry for not coming back for so long! :)

Yes, that can be a reason, if you killed the process and it gave out only a piece of string from one thread and the full variants from another thread (if BED regions intersect). Input files are not very big, seems that the samples are very noisy? Do they have a lot of soft-clips? Is mapping quality ok - probably you can change a threshold? Maybe you can limit panel size (BED) only to the specific regions? Realignment step also take time, but I wouldn't recommend to disable it if you want to keep long indels.

asmlgkj commented 2 years ago

thanks a lot, I am very glad to hear everything is fine. here is my argument of vardict: -f 0.001 --nosv -r 2 -Q 30 -th 16. I used the default arguments of vardict of quality, do you have suggestions about this

and here is my bwa arguments : mem -Y -M -t 36