AstraZeneca-NGS / VarDictJava

VarDict Java port
MIT License
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The AF value VarDict calculate cannot match with IGV result. #387

Open GA-1101 opened 1 year ago

GA-1101 commented 1 year ago


I recently found that the AF in vcf file VarDict called cannot match with IGV browser.

IGV shows that in Chr9:5073770 the mutation G > T has AF 5% (0.05): IGV

but VarDict show this position just has AF 0.005, because I set threshold of AF is 0.01 so it cannot PASS the FILTER. I use -p to show its information: VD

My script is here:

vardict -G <hg19.fasta> -f 0.01 -N <sample_name> -b <bam_file> -c 1 -S 2 -E 3 -g 4 target_interval.bed | VarDictJava/VarDict/teststrandbias.R | VarDictJava/VarDict/ -N <sample_name> -E -f 0.01 > vars_VD.vcf