As a Conference attendee, I'd like to tap on a map, so that I can choose a check-in location.
💬 Description
Add a full screen map component, on tap the user is prompted with a "check-in" button to confirm the location choice and present the check-in form, passing the form the "location" data.
On "check-in" tap, display "attestation" form and minimize map, displaying the user's coordinate choice. On attestation availability, map displays attestation coordinate with a pin.
🗞️ Context
🏗️ TO-DO (tasks or sub-issues)
[x] #82
[x] #83
[x] #81
[ ] #88
✅ Acceptance criteria
Full width map (full height minus the header)
On tap, user is prompted with a check-in button, and cancel button.
on "check-in button" tap, check-in form is displayed, passing the selected location.
📘 Story (required for top level issues pls)
As a Conference attendee, I'd like to tap on a map, so that I can choose a check-in location.
💬 Description
Add a full screen map component, on tap the user is prompted with a "check-in" button to confirm the location choice and present the check-in form, passing the form the "location" data. On "check-in" tap, display "attestation" form and minimize map, displaying the user's coordinate choice. On attestation availability, map displays attestation coordinate with a pin.
🗞️ Context
🏗️ TO-DO (tasks or sub-issues)
✅ Acceptance criteria
📷 Screenshots
📓 Notes