name: Introducing Fakesignal genarator+ DDTR unit test
about: This branch introduces the fake signal generator option of creating a single signal dispersed with selected dispersion measure, or a periodic signal with a specified period. Also, we put two new unit tests for the dedispersion part.
The first test is based on generating a fake signal at random DM position and random time and run it through AA DDTR GPU part where the output is then compared with the expected peak position of the DM and time. This test is repeated 10x times. The second test is based on the option of generating a periodic signal (random DM, random period -> random time position and number of peaks) which we pass to the AA pipeline. As in the previous case, we check if the peaks (analysed from the output) are located at the right position.
Description of pull request
Will this pull request result in a backwards-incompatible interface change: yes
Expected semantic version number increment category (Please indicate x.y.z): y
name: Introducing Fakesignal genarator+ DDTR unit test about: This branch introduces the fake signal generator option of creating a single signal dispersed with selected dispersion measure, or a periodic signal with a specified period. Also, we put two new unit tests for the dedispersion part. The first test is based on generating a fake signal at random DM position and random time and run it through AA DDTR GPU part where the output is then compared with the expected peak position of the DM and time. This test is repeated 10x times. The second test is based on the option of generating a periodic signal (random DM, random period -> random time position and number of peaks) which we pass to the AA pipeline. As in the previous case, we check if the peaks (analysed from the output) are located at the right position.
Description of pull request
Interfaces Will this pull request result in a backwards-incompatible interface change: yes
Expected semantic version number increment category (Please indicate x.y.z): y
Issues this pull request solves
New tag of master
New deployment
Keep branch after merging no