AstroHackWeek / AstroHackWeek2017

Materials for the 2017 Astro Hack Week
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Possible mid-week day out? #2

Open drphilmarshall opened 7 years ago

drphilmarshall commented 7 years ago

I thought the day out at GitHub worked really well this year - the group were excited to be there, and did a lot of good hackwork as a result. I think mid-week (Wednesday) is a good day for this kind of jolly. Where could we go in Seattle that was similar? Amazon, maybe? It could be cool to try and support some cloud computing next year. And we could offer the same deal as we did GitHub (a talk on astronomy & data science, invitation to hack with us, ask for travel funding support...) What do you think, Jake? Is Microsoft a better option? Is there a suitable start-up that would like to host us?

jakevdp commented 7 years ago

Microsoft is an option, and we have some contacts there.

Amazon might be as well, though my experience is that they're less open to this kind of thing.

Someone brought up galvanize. They have a really cool co-working & workshop space in Pioneer Square (15 minutes by train from UW) and it could be a cool connection.